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Tip and I's part was coming up. On stage, I am blind to anything that doesn't involve makes sure the fans enjoy every breathing second in my presence. That is my job as a performer.

In those few hours every day, I am Janet Jackson the entertainer. Not any other version of me.

Performing is an act and it is one I take very, very seriously.

Got Til' Its Gone started to play and the kids and I started our performance. Tina's choreography is so smooth and flowy yet intricate. In the back, Tip's adlibs could be heard, but it sounded like a recording.

I hadn't told my fans that Tip would be on tour with me, so it was a complete surprise to them when Tip's part came and it wasn't the track.

He came out on stage and met me in the middle. We stared at each other as the we performed and instinctively, our bodies connected as we grinded against each other for a hair of a second.

It took me by storm how my body reacted being so close to him. The fans were screaming off their heads. They have always wanted Tip and I together since Poetic Justice. More than me and Pac.

Tip's part came to an end as he exited stage. "I love you, Tip!" I said.

The rest of the night went on and all I could feel was Shawn staring a hole in my skull. I knew she was pissed.


The kids and I were in my dressing room laughing at inside jokes and other stupid things, except Shawn, who was by her lonesome at my vanity.

Just as I was going to check on her, Tip knocked on the door. "Hey, Jo, I know you and the dancers ar—"

"Collectively, we are The Kids, Q. Get on that!" Tish said making the other kids hype her up.

"Tiiiish." I whined trying not to laugh.

"Sorry, boo." She said as she and the kids went back to the normal conversation as I went to Tip.

I grabbed his wrist and brought him out in the hallway. "Sorry about them. They are never off." I said.

"It's cool. I dip the energy."

"What were you saying?"

"I was just gonna ask if I could get that bus tour now. I'm beat." He said.

I could see it in his eyes. He was tired and high as bird.

"You smoked here?" I asked.

"No, Jo. I went to the club with my boys after I got off stage and smoked there. I just got back."

He spent 4 hours at a club? It's not my concern but it is a great deal of time.

"Can you walk alright? Do you need food or anything? I know the munchies can get real."

"Aw, is someone worried about me?"

"I don't want you to go to bed with the munchies or stumble while you walk. Yes, I guess that's worrying." I said.

"My walking is superb, but some Papa John's won't hurt."

I called my team and told them to get six boxes, two for my bus and three for the kids, and one for my security.

"Okay, pizza, wings, and breadsticks will be here in the hour. Let's go."

We walked back to the bus and I showed him his room, the bathroom, my room, the mini fridges, and the "living area." It's really just a couch, TV, and table.

"Nice setup." He said.


It was quiet awhile before my phone dinged. It was a text from Shawn.

ShawnyBoo: We have some things to discuss tomorrow, but I love you. Sleep tight, baby.

I smiled at the love she'd sent. I already know what we are discussing tomorrow so I tried to look at the positive message only.

To ShawnyBoo: I love you, more, S. I'll miss you tonight.

She wasted no time responding.

ShawnyBoo: I'll miss you too.

"That's the lucky man I suppose?" Tip said bringing me out my phone.


"Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to impose on you and your little boyfriend."

"She is not a—"

I stopped myself realizing I'd just exposed myself and my business.

"She?" Tip said with wide eyes.

I got up and sat beside him. "Tip, you cannot tell anyone. We aren't public."

"I gotchu, Jo, but tell me this. When did you become gay? Did Fabio not lay it down as good as you made it seem?"

I chuckled and planted my face in my lap. This is such an awkward topic to speak publicly on.

"No, Rene was good. Truly. I am bisexual. I love men and love women."

"So, tell me about your partial lesbianism. To be honest, knowing you like females just made you a little bit sexier." He said. I could tell him being high was boosting his pride because he would never say I'm sexy so nonchalantly.

"It's not much. I found a woman who makes me happy."

"So, being bisexual, does she let you step out and get some actual penis? I know that rubber ducky shit don't hold you."

"She'd murder me if I stepped out on her, especially for a guy."

He scooted over, "Does that mean I don't have a chance?" He whispered against my ear.

I pushed him away gently. "Johnathan, you are high and speaking from your ass. Let's just sit and wait for the pizza."


Of course, that didn't hold up long. "Remember our first kiss? Off screen?" He said looking up at the ceiling.

"Yes, Tip."

"It was so filthy. You tongued me down and left my neck covered in hickeys moments after. I still remember that vanilla chapstick you had on."

There was an urge building up and I didn't know if it was an urge to slap him for being disrespectful towards my relationship or to kiss him for being so fine and sentimental.

"Those lips of yours. They do wonders to a man at that age." He said now staring directly at my lips.

"I mean the ones upstairs of course. Not that, those lips didn't do w—"

I shouldn't contain myself. I'm a constant horny mess and accidentally kissed him. Just as I felt his tongue slip into my mouth, I pulled back.

"Sorry." I said as I stood up.

"No, that was me. I egged it on."

"PIZZA!" We heard my manager say.
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