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I took Gil up on his offer on crying and eating after the show. It was another sold out show and I'm two shows away from my vacation with my baby. That is the only thing getting me through the week.

After the show, I changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie before meeting Gil in the Kids room. "Gil, you ready?" I said leaning against the door.

"Yes, Queen. One moment." He said as he ran across the dressing room in only his underwear.

I noticed Shawn chatting with Nicky and she was laughing up a storm. "Hey, Shawn. Gil and I are gonna hang for a few. You can come on the bus later... to talk about the dances. Okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine, boo." She said. "Wait, actually, can you check out this bump on my leg? It was killing on stage and wanted to ask you before I asked snobby old Helda." She added.

Helda is the doctor on tour. Just in case of broken bones or anything dance related. She is kind of old and grumpy, so the Kids don't really like her.

I followed behind her to the bathroom and locked the door behind us. By the look in her eyes, she wanted to have sex. "Baby, no." I whispered as she came closer to me.

"Come on, it's small but comfortable and you know how addicted I am to your after show body. Please." She knelt in front of me and started undoing the drawstrings on my sweatpants.

I tilted her chin and looked her in the eyes. She had no plans on stopping and by the time I wanted to say no, my thong was already off my body and she had dug right into my soul.

I gripped her hair and the doorknob beside me as she eat me like Thanksgiving dinner. I knew I couldn't be loud above a whisper because the Kids were right outside the door, literally five feet away.

"Baby..." I moaned as she flicked the tip of her tongue against my clit. "Go faster."

She obliged my wishes then proceeded to fuck me with her tongue. I assume my entrance was throbbing her following assumption. "Come for me." She mumbled in me.

The vibrations sent straight into my core causing me to unleash without warning. I squirted and released an earthy groan. "Fuck Shawn." I lowly said as she cleaned me up.

When she came up, she smashed her lips into mine as I twirled my tongue around her mouth tasting myself. "Mhm. Sweet." I said after sucking on her bottom lip. "My baby always is."

For the short time we spent, I actually forgot about the whole thing with Shai. As soon as Shawn opened that door, my guilt came back.

"It's an ugly bump, huh?" She said as we walked out together.

I zoned out, but came back when Mike asked why we had to go to the bathroom to show a leg bump.

"It was up under her rear, and we love y'all boys, but you know the rules. No craziness in the family. Yes?"

"Yes." Everyone sung.

"Okay, good. Gilly Gonzalez, let's go." I said.

He throw all his stuff in his bag and followed me to the tour bus. "Nice quickie?" He asked.

I smirked his way. "I don't know what you are talking about." I said turning back.

"Oh, please. You can fool everybody except Queen Gil. Shawn walked out and wiped her mouth, that doorknob was rattling like there was an earthquake, and your breath."

"What about my breath?"

"By now, Shawn has blown her coochie breath in my face, as have you, and let me tell you, I know y'all coochie scents. Period."

I gagged a little, and felt embarrassed. "Sorry, I'll start popping mints. But..."

Tommy met us at the door and walked us to the bus. "What do I smell like?" I asked.

Gil gasped and shook his head. "Janet, I love you but I will not harbor on what your vagina smells like..." He said. "But the one time, it smelled like roses and honey, but the watered down version."

I smirked and thought about how well I taste. I try to keep my diet well for those reasons. "Okay, let's talk about Shai." Gil said as he opened the door to the tour bus and we got in.


I rolled my eyes again as everybody pressed me. "I am not fucking Janet, you guys. If I was, it'd be obvious." I groaned.

"It was pretty obvious when y'all fucked in the bathroom today." Nicky said. "It sounded like World War III in there with all that groaning and thumping"

"I don't know what you're talking about. She checked out my bump and that's that. Believe me."

Tina coughed and looked the other way. "I think we should believe her. Maybe they were just fooling around, you know how Janet and Shawn are dumb."

The others finally gave up on the thought, except Kelly. "Well answer this then, have you and Janet ever thought about messing around with each other? Answer honestly." She said as everyone waited on the answer.

"I, personally, have always found J attractive. She looks the way she looks, she dances the way she dances, she sings the way she sings, and her brain, oh my God. She's fucking beautiful. If given the opportunity, I would definitely be with her. She's perfect. I cannot answer on her behalf of if she feels the same or not, so." I shrugged it off and hopes that would end the interrogation.

"That's sweet, Shawn. I hope one day she finds someone like you." Nicky said.

"Yeah." I sighed.
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