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I walked into rehearsals coincidentally behind Janet. "Hey good looking." I teased as I caught up with her.

"Hey." She turned and pulled me to the side. "I was starting to miss you."

"Baby, I saw you an hour ago." I laughed.

She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Exactly. There was a whole hour that went by that I didn't get to be with you." She pouted.

I kissed her cheek and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Well, considering we are late, we better head on in. The faster this goes by..." I kissed her lips softly, "The faster we can go home."

She bit her lip and nodded. "Okay. Do you mind if walk in together or do you not want the kids to know?" She asked dropping her arms.

"Ehh, I need to talk with Gil before forcing us down his throat. Plus so should you."

She mentally thought about it. "Fine. If it means I'm one step closer to getting to claim you everywhere and anywhere, I will lock him and I in a closet for all I care." She said.

"Good girl."


I walked in ahead of Shawn and the kids must've seen my glow because questions were being thrown left and right.

"You got some?" Alison asked me.

I can't lie, the new kids make me uncomfortable. I haven't gotten the chance to get super close with them yet, so their questions are somewhat invading.

Over break, other opportunities were given to my dear friends and dancers and I didn't want to hold them back. Michael left to do some huge projects with other artists, Tyce got married, Teresa left for the same reasons as Michael, Robert was dealing with some personal things and left. Nikki went on to became an actress and had projects.

All that is left from the original crew is me, Shawn, Kelly, and Gil. Tish had left before after The Velvet Rope ended and started her doctor journey.

"No, I'm just happy." I lied with a smile. I sat in the corner of the room and started my stretches. I watched as Shawn and Gil played around while stretching and it made me smile. Seeing her have a good day made my day better.

The sound of my phone distracted me. I saw that it was Q-Tip. Based on the time here, it's nighttime there. Shai should be asleep.


"Hey, Jo. Sorry to call in the middle of your day." I heard Tip say.

I excused myself from the room and into the hallway. "It's fine, it's fine. Is everything okay? Where's Shai?" I asked.

"Oh, he's good. Buddy is right next to me. I just called because we are actually on our way back. My manager messed up my schedule so I'm due back earlier than expected. I hope that doesn't mess with your schedule."

It did. I planned the entire week based of Shai not being here.

"It kinda does, but it's fine." I said unenthusiastically.

"Jo, I'll keep him with me if it's bad timing. It's no problem."

"Are you sure? He's a handful."

"Yeah, I figured that out, but it's cool, I got him."

"Okay, tell him I said I'll check up on him when you guys land. Later." I said.

I hung up the phone and joined the dancers again. "Okay, guys. Let's start." I said clapping my hands.

Of course, Shawn had my focus the entire practice. As lead choreographer, I was to keep my eyes on her for instructions anyway so it didn't raise any questions.

"Jan!" Shawn yelled.

I blinked a few times zoning back in. The kids were snickering which embarrassed me.

"I said kick your left leg up half way, you keep doing quarter way. Pay attention." She said.


We got right back into choreography and I could tell I was the center of attention. I didn't mind Shawn correcting me, hell, that's her job. I didn't appreciate her yelling at me though and embarrassing me.

Practice was quick to end. There still isn't much choreography to do since I haven't released any singles yet, and there's no award shows I'm appearing at either.

I wiped off my body and looked around for Gil. He was talking with Jenna, a new girl, and gave me a stank eye when we made eye contact.

"Hey, Gil. Come here." I called out.

He rolled his eyes and walked over to me. "Yes?"

"If you don't mind, I'd like to take you to lunch. We need to talk."

He crossed his arms and fell back on his heels. "Why would I talk to you, Janet? You've been a bitch for God knows how long." He sassed.

"Please? I want to fix what I broke."

He thought about it awhile more as we just stared into each others eyes. He was melting, but he had a good front going. He is my best friend, there's no way he hates me that much to not even try to reconcile.

"Fine. I'll see you at Nobu in an hour."

I smiled and agreed. Afterwards, I looked for my girlfriend. I met her in the bathroom and saw her putting on sweatpants. I went behind her and slapped her ass.

She hissed and rubbed the now sore spot. "Janet, come on, baby. That shit hurts." She whined.

"Would you like to see the welts that are the exact size of your hands that are on my ass? You'll be fine." I assured her.

"Damittitude." She giggled. "I love it. What's wrong?"


"Damita and attitude. Damittitude. What pissed you off J? Your tone and aura is a little upset."

"You embarrassed me." I pouted.

She laughed hysterically as if the funniest joke had been told. "J, you were staring me down like I was a piece of steak. I called your name three times before and you ignored them. I had to get your attention and correct you." She laughed.

"Not my fault you came out the house looking good."

"Oh yes, my apologies. Tomorrow I'll look disgusting so I don't distract you." She said making us both laugh.

"That'd be better." I said. "I have to go home. Gil agreed to have lunch with me."

"Oou, look at my girl making process. That's good."

"For you, I'd rob a bank." I said tightening the space between us. I was so close, our lips were practically touching. "I'll see you later?"

"Most definitely."

I pecked her lips, "Okay." Then left to get ready.
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