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I sat lower in my chair and played in Shai's hair as I let Janet take the heat her family's been spitting since we sat down. It's been question after question and they speak of me as if I'm not in the room.

I felt Shai quiver in my arms, distracting me from the drama. I had no sweater, but Janet did. Good God.

"Excuse me?" I said asserting myself into the conversation. All eyes drew to me and I instantly wanted to hide. "Janet, can I get your sweater? Pudding is cold." I said lowly to her.

She took the sweater off the back of her chair and covered Shai. She leaned over and kissed his forehead, then kissed my cheek.

Her PDA makes me happy because for so long I felt like her secret. Kissing or just little affection in front of her peers make me feel appreciated and loved.

"Now, as I was saying, she isn't some distraction. I love her." She said. She turned to me and spoke, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, J."

"What are your intentions?" Her brother, who I've learned is named Randy, asked me.


"Your intentions with my baby sister. Are you dating to date? Dating to marry? Trying to turn a straight girl gay as some game? What's your endgame?"

"She's not answering that." Janet interrupted.

"She is." Her other brothers, Jermaine and Jackie, demanded simultaneously.

"It's fine, Janet." I handed Shai over to her and sat up in my chair. "Let's settle this right here, right now. Shall we?"

"I've let you blatantly disrespect me since I got on this boat. I say nothing due to my overwhelming respect for Janet. I was not going to say anything until addressed directly so I'm glad this is my opportunity." I started.

"This woman is my entire heart. I've had the illest crush on her since forever and I've worked my ass off to get her to be mine. No, this is not some game, nor were my intentions to mAkE hEr GaY. She's not gay. She loves people regardless of gender and who the hell do you all think you are to tell her otherwise. You should all be disappointed in yourself for hating on love, especially black love."


"No, baby, your family thinks I'm playing you, so I'm telling them and informing them that there was never any game. What happened was fate drawing two people together that needed to be together. We are in love. I've been in love with Janet through all the mess. Mess that I created and mess that she created. There was never a doubt of that, and God if there was, it was self-denial and suppression. I have cried and fought to be with her not because her fame or money or any superficial reasoning. It's her heart. Her mind. Her soul. That's my addiction. She's not pure but she's closest thing to it. Am I to marry this woman? You can bet money on it. If I don't, there'd never be another for me. She's all I got, her and Shai. This is all I have. My "game" is the fight for love. I'd die for this woman."

I sat back in my chair and shut my eyes. I was done with my part and was getting tired. I heard them calling my name, but I said all I had to say.

I actually ended up dozing off at the table. I needed it after not getting sleep with Shai last night then using the earlier hours to make love to my woman.


"We'll think on it, Dunk. Nobody was expecting this." My brother, Michael, said to me before leavings the dining room leaving me, Shawn, and Shai.

"Shai, Mama's tired."

Shai looked up at me and frowned. "Mama want to nap with Shai?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "Wanna cuddle with Mommy when we get to the room?" I asked.

He nodded. "Okay, wake up Netty so we can go." I told him. He stood up and shook Shawn's arm viciously snapping her out her sleep.

"Yes, Pudding?"

"Me and Mama take a nap. Come."

Shawn looked around the table and noticed everyone gone. "What happened?" She said as she stood up. She let out a loud moan as she stretched.

"After you fell asleep at the dining table, I said unkind words and let them know that they have until tonight to accept us or leave us alone. Then, we ate in silence some more and everybody left."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm with you, I'm always ok if this is okay." I said motioning between the three of us. As long as I have the two loves of my life, I'll always be fine.

"Mama, nap time."

I chuckled. "Prince since when do you say 'nap time'? That's a big word."

"Netty say it." He said.

"Good job, Pudding. Big words are for big boys." They shared a high five. "Let's go."

We all stood up and went back to the room. We were about four hours from land. Shai, Shawn, and I will be skipping dinner. No need to walk back into tension, so we're napping then getting off when we dock.

Once in the suite, Shai ran to my room and crawled his way up the bed. He laid down and motioned me to go to him.

I changed out my pants and threw on some shorts before getting in the bed. Shawn went to the restroom to do whatever. I laid next to Shai, with my head next to his stomach so he could play in my hair. We've come to learn that it helps him go to sleep faster.

"Mama, is Netty my Mama now?" He asked.

I hesitated. As much as Shawn doesn't feel like that's her role, she is playing it well. Her and Shai are so cute together and nearly inseparable.

"Baby, she is like your Mama. But, call her Netty still. Okay? Shawn doesn't like being call Mama."

"So she is Mama but she is Netty?"

"Sure, baby." I answered.


I was texting Gil about the proposal ideas, when I heard Janet and Shai talking about me. I walked out and turned my phone off so nothing from Gil attracted Janet's concerns.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing. Come." Janet said patting the spot behind her. "It's nap time, so we're cuddling."

I got in the bed behind Janet and laid my head in the crook of her neck. She backed her ass on me starting to start something that doesn't need to be started. "Behave." I commanded. "Shai is trying to nap."

I could see the growing smirk on her face. "Sorry."
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