monday mornings

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6:05 am

i awoke to the sound of my alarm, beating through my cold, still room and booming in my ears. i woke to turn it off before collapsing back into bed. college. great.
it's not that i don't like college, more the process of waking up and feeling empty. i pull myself from my safe cocoon. walking to the bathroom i passed my older brother kian.
"hey lil sis" he said looking at me, he worried to much about me
"you okay?" he continued
i shrugged before giving a faint smile
"i'm up?! does that answer it?"
"grace, i just .. i just hope you know, it's okay"
"i know ki, but i'm gonna go brush my teeth of you don't mind. it's too early for this"
he chuckled quietly
"love you kid"
"love you" i retorted

while brushing my teeth i let my mind wonder to the boy with curly hair, and how his touch still lingered. as i washed my face i thought of his sad eyes and beautiful words. i thought about him a lot it was safe to say. and i was starting to worry i wouldn't ever see him again. it had been two days since our encounter. two days since i felt at peace. two days. i carried on day dreaming until i heard a faint knock on the door
"grace?" my dad asked
"yeah sorry" i said washing my hands
opening the door he smiled at me
"you look healthy" he said
i smiled before brushing past him to get ready for the day.

staring at myself in the mirror, make up done, just fake lashes and eyebrows. i decided on what to wear, contemplating i eventually wound up in a red off the shoulder top, black skinny jeans and my nike air's. shrugging a denim jacket over the top and grabbing my bag and macbook i was ready. well, as ready as i could be.


slumped on the bus i plugged my music in, i opened apple music and clicked on the "new release" playlist. a song titled "searching for a feeling" flashed on the screen and i listened and lost myself. in the end my eyes were watering as i approached the college building and i had to quickly wipe them. ringing the bell the bus lurched to a stop
"thanks" i said to the driver before stepping off into the cold air.
new day. new chance

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now