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mattys pov

4 am, Madrid 

i couldn't sleep. i had millions of thoughts whirling in my mind. grace and George had returned today and me and grace had talked things over. it felt good. it felt good to have her back in bed beside me. my phone buzzed and i looked over at grace, he dark hair covering her face and a small smile on her face. i reached for my phone looking at the notifications

new text from gabby

gabby: u coming?

i looked back at the sleeping girl in my bed, the mother of my child and the woman i loved before typing out my reply 

matty: coming 

sneaking out of the door i felt the cool air hit y forearms, i saw gabby straight away, lent against a lampost in black mom jeans and an oversized jumper. 

"no shoes?" i mused, she giggled

"cmon healy" she said extending her hand for me to grab, i took her small palm into mine as we climbed the hotel to the roof. as soon as we reached it we were out of breath and tired. but the view was stunning, the sun, while still set, had started to cause the color to spread into the early morning sky. the air was so clean up here i couldn't stop deep breathing

"wow" she sighed

"wow" I repeated gabbys words

"what happened between you two then?" she asked not missing a beat, i shurrged

"we talked things out .. it feels better now" i declared 

"then why are you here?" gabby implored

"you asked"

"you didn't have to come matty" she sighed 

everything suddenly fell apart, i didn't have to come. i could have stayed with my girlfriend in our beautiful hotel room, we could have spent time together after the weeks we just spent apart. but i left

"face it matty, you can't do relationships and you've jumped into this one head first"

"that's not true!" i said shaking my head at her and standing up to leave

"are you ready to be a dad?" she spat, her words burned because lately, i wasn't sure myself, i rose above it turning on my heel and heading back to my hotel room. i didn't to fight with Gabby, she didn't even have to be here. in fact, why was she? i told grace we were friends, were we? or did i just not want to be alone.

i snuck back into the hotel room closing the door softly as i did, it was nearly 5 am now so the un was rising more, i walked into the bedroom to find her still asleep. i smiled and shook her gently 

"suns rising babe" i whispered, she mumbled incoherently as she sat her self up and rubbed her eyes.

"Morning," she said 

"good morning" i beamed, she was beautiful even now. i kissed her beautiful pink lips and ran my hand through her hair

"let's see the sunrise then" i told her. she shrugged the covers off her self and we moved to the balcony where the sky was alive with clours, pinks, and reds flooding it. swirls of blue faintly spread across

"it's so beautiful" she whispered

"yes you are" i out at her while she stared at the sky in awe. her pale hand met ine as we watched the sun continue to rise. we had nothing to do today so i planned a whole day, just around grace. we would see all madrid had to offer, shopping, culture, the beach. i was excited, turly excited for the first time since she left.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now