breaking up for summer

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*3 weeks later*

"so?" i asked back while we were sat with our feet in a cool river stream
"when do you finish your course?" matty asked
"i literally have on essay, so next week"
"i've finished"
"matty that's amazing!"
"i'm excited you know we can focus on the band ... speaking of"
"go on"
"we um, we got an offer from a record label, a new one called dirty hit" as soon as he said those words i swelled with pride and flung my arms around his neck. inhaling his cigarette and shampoo.
"MATTY" i said practically sat on his lap
"i'm so proud" laughing he stroked my face tenderly, kissing me fast
"thankyou baby"
i smiled, looking into his beautiful eyes.
"are you celebrating?" i asked
"my mum goes out of town tomorrow so we may be having a party"
"this is massive matty, really big everything's turning out okay isn't it? you're nineteen tomorrow, you've been signed, i'm doing better, and we are here"
he smiled at me, grinning.
"i'm so glad we found one another"
"as am i" 
i  looked hard him for a second before saying
"promise we will come back here in the summer, so we can fully swim?"
he chewed his bottom lip before standing up and taking off his top to reveal his pasty body
"why wait?" he said before jumping in
"MATTY!!" i yelled before he broke the water shaking his head and laughing
"come on"
"you're mental"
"COME ON!" i laughed at him, before wriggling out of my jeans and bardot top, jumping in the air felt freeing. as soon as i hit the water i felt i could breathe. i came back to the surface to see matty smiling at me,
"what?" i said laughing and wiping my face
"you" he said with a nod

2 hours later

two hours later i was dried and back home. ready to go shopping with lia for mattys birthday present. his birthday party/ getting signed party was tomorrow. even though we weren't officially "boyfriend and girlfriend" i wanted to get him the best gift i could.

*ringing lia*

"lia where are you?"
"sorry i'm still at george's i am coming"
"leee i HAVE to get him the best present"
"i know i know i am so sorry gracey"
".... what's going on?"
"i ... i'll tell you when i see you grace"
"you're scaring me lia"
"maybe it isn't my place? *in the back of the phone call* what george? i know but he hasnt* look give me five minutes yeah"
before i could finish my sentence the call cut off and just like that the pit in my stomach was back. what weren't they telling me

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now