cleaning up the mess made

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don't. just don't ever mix weed cake and alcohol in a semi detached house with george and matty with no parents home.
i awoke in mattys bed and i looked over to see him on the floor, curled up in ball with a blanket laid over him. i rubbed my head and swung my legs off the bed, carefully as to not wake him.
walking down the hallway people were passed out left right and centre, peering into his mums room lia and george were slumped over the covers, dressed and asleep. heading down stairs i had to step over people, on the couch were adam and ross sleeping peacefully.
i went into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water, i looked out of the window and saw the campfire finally dying. just embers.
i here a banging upstairs before a very loud
it was matty trudging down the stairs
"OUT, EVERYONE OUT OF ME FUCKING HOUSE, god my mum is gonna kill me, FUCK"
everyone began to stir, opening the door and walking out, thanking matty as they went. eventually there was only ross, adam, george, lia me and matty left. the perfect way.
"how was your birthday then?" i asked matty playfully kissing his nose
"the best gracey" i let the air hang steady before i plucked up the courage to ask
"what did you mean last night? when you said i could say no?"
his face lit up like he just remembered the winning numbers to the lottery
"oh um i was gonna ask if you would come on tour with us? it's only a month, just to get our name out in america ... george asked lia and um i know you've finished college so?"
"YES YES YES" i yelled jumping into his arms kissing him over and over.
"sh sh i have a hangover you idiot, god thankyou for saying yes baby"
we weren't even official yet but god i didn't care at this point.
america with the boys i loved the most and my bestfriend. yes please

2 hours later

"right boys" i said flapping my hands and walking into the living room
"let's get this place CLEAN before your mum gets home matty" i heard various groans from george, so when i walked past him i made sure to catch him with the broom
"big baby"
"shutup gracey wacey" george retorted
"you wanna go? when i have a broom AND A dustpan?" he looked at the metal dustpan in my hand before slinking back into the sofa
"thought not!"
"right, me and lia will take the kitchen and living room, ross you do the landing and stairs, adam the bathroom and louis room, matty you do your room and your mums and george you do the garden"
matty kisses me on the forehead before saying
"what would i do without you?"
"not go to america because your mum would ground you"
he laughed heartily before nodding and heading upstairs.

"so, did he ask you?" lia enquired
"he did!"
"i said yes. obviously."
"how do you think your parents and kian will take it?"
"i'm honestly not sure, what did your parents say?"
"i'm not gonna tell them" she said mischievously
"oh god"
"you know they don't care. i've always wanted to do it. just disappear. now is my chance"
i looked at my bestfriend, i knew she was going to do this no matter what i said but i saw her bitten nails and knew she was nervous deep down
"i think you're doing the right thing" i said
she relaxed into the floor, taking a break from scrubbing it
"i'm so glad you said that" i smiled at her. by the time the boys were ready to leave, we both would be eighteen. legally free to go.
"but what about you?"
"what about me?" i asked
"i know you and i know you're worried about going"
"i'm scared i'll ruin it. sure everything's good right now. the anti depressants are working and i'm fine at this point in time. but what if they stop? what if i ruin it?" she looked at me for a while before hugging me and saying
"you couldn't ever ruin it"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now