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20th of may

"i can't believe your 22 now" ross said as we all sat around the fire.

we'd been our for a meal, took rose to the park, went shopping for a little bit and now we were all in the back yard with wine.

gemma couldn't make it as she was stranded in india, she was coming as soon as she could but she wouldn't make my birthday. aside from that it had been perfect though.

"me neither" i replied staring at the flames

"how was your day then?" matty asked

"perfect" i told him, i meant it too

i looked at george and caroline, they were sat together drinking a beer, she was really beautiful and intelligent and just as tall as george so that was a plus for her. she brushed her hair out of her eyes and looked at him with a big smile, the smile i looked at matty with. they were in love and anybody could see it. george whispered something in her ear and her eyes lit up like stars, i knew george would be sayin something dirty or funny but it was the look on her face that made me not care. they really belonged to one another.

i looked at adam and ross, carly didn't come to stuff like this anymore because we weren't close and it would just make it all weird to be honest. i missed her but i knew that she was closer friends with gabby and i had to move past it.

my parents had come to the meal, tim and louis as well but no denise. it was okay this way, safer. she didn't like me and i knew at this point nothing could change that, i had to stop trying and just roll with it.

as for gifts everyone had got me something perfect which surprised me because when they asked i told them i didn't want anything and i didn't want them to spend their money on me.
they did. but the gifts they had gotten me were perfect

couple hours previous

"okay gift time!" george said

"i said no gifts though" with a triumphant nod

"and we all ignored you" matty laughed

"i hate you all" i muttered as george passed me a bag, it was quite heavy and had flowers printed on the soft pastel pink background

i opened the bag to find a bag of cookie mix, a couple dvds and popcorn

"old school huh" i giggled

"thought we could have a movie night like we use to" he said

i smiled at george, the movies, the breakfast club, pretty woman, perks of being a wallflower and up

"i love them, thankyou georgie"

next was mattys turn, he handed me an envelope and a small white box with a satin bow, i traced the ribbon before placing it on the table to open my card first

to grace

happy birthday,

i was gonna write something sentimental but i knew you'd cry so instead i settled for this.

i love you, thankyou for everything

matty x

"soppy" i said under my breath, he heard and smiled

i reached for the box again, inside was nothing, i looked at him completely puzzled


"it's a surprise" he said

"i hate surprises" i moaned

"you'll like this one, you just have to wait" he said

"and how sure are you?" i asked, matty looked at tim and grinned

"you'll love it pet" his dad said

"i trust you tim you better not be joking" i said trying to be stern, he laughed and held his hands up in defence

"i'm not in the middle of this, you'll love it though" tim replied

ross went next handing me a red box, inside was a choker made of seashells

"ross" i said stroking over them, i'd seen them a couple months before when we were out shopping together but i didn't think he had paid any attention, i had forgotten about them myself because of how expensive they were but the fact he had gotten me them ... wow

"i remembered and knew you loved them soooo"

"thankyou, seriously" i said closing the box and making a mental note to put them on for the after party.

"here ya go" adam said handing me a parcel, the wrapping paper was golden and the tag simple read

to grace
cos ur terrible at guitar

i laughed, both him and matty had tried to teach me and given up. i tore open the wrapping paper to reveal a fountain pen and notebook, i ran my fingers of the gold, the book it's self was a tan leather with swirls of golden, i'd seen it somewhere before i just couldn't place it. the pen was a beautiful deep gold, i held it and it felt perfect, not too heavy like most, the perfect weight.

"stick to what your good at instead of being terrible at guitar" he laughed, matty scowled before laughing himself

"alright leave me be, music just isn't my forte"

back to right now

"does 22 feel any different?" george asked as matty went to find more fire wood for our dying fire

"george ... you are literally 23-"

everybody laughed and caroline shook her head

"it's your birthday so i won't chuck this beer at your head"

"the best present you could have given me" i said smiling sweetly as he mocked me

"have you any plans for 22?" caroline asked, i smiled, it was nice having a girl around

"i have" i said

"oooo do tell!" she urged sitting forward

"well i want to buy a new car, preferably an audi like george's but even with my income it's gonna take a while, i want to take rose to the beach and swimming and finally i want to read more"

"they are good age 22 goals" she said

"women" george said shaking his head

"uh shut up i happen to remember what your goal for 23 was mister" caroline said, george flushed red and knowing him god knows what it was. i didn't want to find out.


once everything had died down and everyone had gone home me and matty went upstairs and got ready to go to sleep. i had work tomorrow and matty was taking rose to the park.

i got into bed beside matty who was smiling at me, his hair was a mess, black curls everywhere and he had no shirt on so i could see all his beautiful tattoos.

i couldn't help starting, this is how i liked him best, this was my matty. messy hair and beautiful tattoos, caught up in the madness but complexity still at the same time. only he could manage it all.

"wanna know what your present is?" he asked with a smirk pulling the rug from under my feet

"i'm dying to" i said reaching for his hands as i got in beside him

he kissed my forehead and turned of the light before whispering


matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now