four months later

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april 8th

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear matty, happy birthday to you! woooo" i sang to matty while rose clapped her hands and half mumbled the words

"bidayyy" rose mumbled

"morning guys" matty laughed rubbing his eyes

we'd just woke him to sing him happy birthday and he definitely loved it

i sat beside him playing with his hair for a bit before i decided to ask

"do you feel older?"

"you ask every year grace" he laughed

"one day you'll answer"

he kissed my nose and i scowled at him

matty was 23 today and i had pulled out all the stops, i really wanted to give him the best birthday ever because he deserved it after everything.
i'd booked the day off work and woke up early to make sure everything was extra ready.

the boys were coming round in a couple hours, george was probably gonna arrive early and that was fine, i needed his help to put everything together.

the plan was that i was giving him some of the gifts i'd got him this morning and the rest tonight, the boys were coming round because i knew matty didn't want to go for a meal or anything like that. he told me before he just wanted it chill. after everything that had happened at christmas with his mum he didn't want to have a meal and then have to invite her so this was the easiest way to do things.

i realised we had a backyard fire pit and what could be more chill than drinking around it with your best mates and girlfriend?

obviously it wasn't safe to have rose around the fire all night but she was still sleeping early so it was fine. she could join in the food bit, we were all eating at the dinning table, then go in her swing set for a while until she got sleepy and then i'd put her to bed.

i had everything planed our because he deserved the best birthday ever. i'd gotten his favourite beer, georges favourite pasta, adams music taste and ross' wine that he suggested would be good.

"want ya first gift?" i asked

"i do" he said

i reached beneath the bed and pulled out a box, the wrapping was plain brown paper. i wanted to go for a older type vibe.

"hm?" he said shaking the present and exiting rose

"eeee!" she squealed trying to grab the present with her tiny hands

"rose? shall we open this together?" matty asked

she nodded and smiled showing us her 2 teeth, she was teething at the moment and it was awful, so many late nights.

when matty saw what was inside and his eyes welled, he ran his fingers of the paper brushing it away to expose the full present

"i wasn't sure for the first present so i thought go sentimental"

"i, i love it gracey" he said taking a deep breath and lifting the book from the box

i'd made him a photo album, i knew matty loved heartfelt things like this so it felt perfect. rose had helped me and done some potato prints.

on the front cover was a picture of us when we were younger, one of the first photos we took together

"your hair is so black here" he laughs wiping his eyes

"and yours looks like a bird nest" i retorted

"it does"

he flipped the page to see us at a nightclub, this was a crazy night, george dragged us out in the middle of january, i even had true receipt for the drinks we bought because i was the sucker who ended up paying that bill

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now