meet me beneath the tower

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walking through london use to be my favourite thing. i'd be pushing rose in her pram and my hand would be in mattys, the world could end and we wouldn't notice because w head our own bubble.
but paris out weighed london. we walked down the old cobbled streets with our hands intertwined and our hair blowing gently with the warm breeze.
the world could end right now and i'd be happy enough, i couldn't want more than i have in this moment, when rose is older we are bringing her here, there is so much to love about pairs. the culture, the food, the views, everything.

we reached the restaurant and at first i was confused because it didn't look like a restaurant from the outside. it looked more of an old cottage or something straight out of an aesthetic film.

"matty uh are you sure this is the place?" i asked

"i'm sure trust me"

"hehe thankyou" i said ducking beneath mattys arm as he opened the restaurant door for me.

we were soon seated in a corner overlooking the streets below. i watched as people on bikes and shopping bags walked past us, this place was almost hidden to the public eye so i felt special being inside it. locked away.

"two glasses of your finest red please" matty ordered, the waiter smiled us both before leaving two menus for us to flick through

"this place is unreal matty" i said while my eyes skirted around the room. it was very rustic so my dress fit in perfectly. it was a soft hum of chatter mixed with some classic music floating in the background. painting hung on the walls making it appear more homely, it was the most beautiful restaurant i'd ever been to.

"i'm glad you like it" he chuckled

he ran his hands through his hair and smiled once more, he seems a lot more relaxed now so i was glad about that. he did however keep touching his jacket pocket. i decided to not bring my denim jacket so he wore his incase i got cold.

"you okay?" i asked

"i'm amazing" he said reaching across the table for my hand

"because i'm here with you" he added

i squeezed his hand

"i'm glad we're here"

"me too" he said just as the waiter brought our two glasses of red to the table

"is the lovely couple ready to order?" the waiter asked

"i think we are ready?" matty said

"we are" i clarified

"thankyou!" me and matty both said once we had paid for the meal and left the restaurant

"that was so good!" i said taking ahold of his hand once more

"it was"

"were too now?" i asked

"we could go on a walk?"

"i'd love that!" i said jumping, he looked at me and laughed before kissing me

we set off down the road we walked up, the cobbles beneath our feet, it was a little cooler now as it was 7pm and the sun was starting to set. we reached the eiffel tower as the sun was really starting to set

"shall we sit on the grass and wait for it to set?" matty asked

i nodded as he laid his denim jacket on the grass for me to sit on, he held out his hand and helped me sit down. it was little things like this that i kept stored in my brain because they really made the whole difference.

"we should have a picnic here tomorrow" i suggested

"we should actually, i think the hotel does picnic baskets that you can take"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now