someone will love you

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grace pov

i woke up and the room was completely dark apart from one string of fairy lights

"mmm" i mumbled

my grey blanket was over me and i remembered that matty said he was staying round. i guess he changed his mind.
leaning over to the coffee table my phone flashes with the time


kian and lewis weren't home clearly but it didn't worry me. they always found there way home one way or another.

i did notice i missed call from george though, only 10 minutes ago. i decided i should probably call him back

*call to george*

"heya" i sang down the phone
"you okay?" he instantly asked
"yeah you?"
"i'm fine" he told me
"then why are you awake and calling me at this time?" i asked him with a hint of sarcasm
"is matty with you?"
"he was, i don't know if he is now"
"did you guys manage to work the whole thing out then?" george asked
"we did! we did it maturely and i'm proud of us" i beamed down the phone
"i knew you both would"
"love you george"
"i'll speak to you in the morning, love you"
"byeee" i said ending the call

i shrugged my cover off and padded through to the kitchen where only a wet tea towel lay.
i then walked to the bathroom to find the door locked and the shower running.
i knocked lightly on the door three times

"matty you in there?" i asked

i heard the faucet turn off and the shower curtain pulled back, the door unlocked and a very wet, very beautiful matty popped his head round

"sorry" he whispered

"i didn't wake you did i?" he asked worried, i shook my head

"i was worried you left" i admitted. his face flashed with what looked like hurt

"never" he said smiling despite the water dropping from his hair

my eyes skated from his damp black curls to the towel around his toned waist. i felt myself turning pink and quickly coughed

"i'll let you uh get um back to it" i said backing away.

i heard him laugh and shut the door. as soon as i got back into the living room i felt like putting my head in an oven. i'm such an idiot. my mind lingered on matty ... the water beads dripping off his eyelashes, his tattoo peeping through the towel around his torso ... STOP! okay i had to stop. it was literally 3am, i had just gotten use to the fact i was alone.
i went into my room and flopped onto the bed groaning.
i am never coming out, i thought to myself.

my mind lingered on what a night we had. we really seemed to be getting along and it didn't feel strained like i was worried it would. we talked things through like the adults we were, we had some dinner, granted it was just take away but we still had dinner together. he even washed up from what i can remember which was very surprising for matty.
i started to let my mind wonder on the fact that maybe we had spent enough time apart now. yes it was only a moth but it was a long one and maybe we only needed a short break to figure shit out. i didn't want to get my hopes up. matty has probably found someone else or him and gabby were probably speaking again so there was no point in even bringing it up.
but surely the boys would have mentioned it to me if that was the case?
but then again why would they?
my head was spinning and i felt like physically clutching it.

matty came in a couple minutes later, this time with only damp hair instead of soaking wet. he popped his head round gingerly incase i was awake. it was the small things like this that he had done today that made me want to kiss him. i just wanted to kiss him and tell him i loved him and that i always would.
but i didn't.

"dya have any pants i could borrow please?" he whispered, i nodded realising he was just in his boxers

"hang on" i said

i jumped out of bed and went into the laundry room we all shared. i got out a pair of lewis' grey sweats because he was skinnier than kian and closer to mattys size. i handed them to matty

"thankyou" he said pulling them over his calvin boxers

"uh also, i stayed awake, kian and lewis haven't come back?" he said

"it's okay, they come back super early in the morning, they're always okay"

a couple of moments passed where we weren't sure what to do. was he going to sleep with me? at this point i wouldn't find it weird but i didn't know about matty so i decided i would ask.

"i can make up the sofa for a bed or you can just sleep with me" i mumbled nearly half asleep

"are you sure that's okay?" he asked.

we were way past normal ex's at this point

"mmh" i said my eyes fully closing as i climbed beneath the covers, matty did the same. he smelt of my shower gel.

"did you use my marshmallow wash?" i giggled into his chest

"maybe" he said settling beside me

he was laying on his back, home on my side. it felt like home. like safety. i had to fight the urge to fully nuzzle into his chest. instead i opted for just rested beneath his chin. my arms placed fully beside me.

"goodnight matty" i said

he kissed my forehead before mumbling the same

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now