but its her 19th

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my smile grew as we walked inside the restaurant. you walked through into an inside booking area before they took you outside, it was so beautiful. plants and shrubs surrounded the area, roses adorned onto walls and intricate patterns of small flowers on the table.
"matty" i started, this place was too beautiful. i didn't even know it existed but we would definitely be returning. we got to the table and already sat there was my mum, dad and kian. i ran to hug my dad i haven't seen him in months due to his business trip, next was my mum, then kian. he was distant but i was skinny okay letting go, it was my birthday and nothing would ruin that.

"you look good grace" my mum said, i knew she hated the leather jacket but truly couldn't care
"thanks mum, dad i can't believe you're home i've missed you so much"
"it was so good gracie" he relied smiling. matty was sat beside me with his hand on my thigh kept me calm. when the waitress came up we all ordered and made small talk. it was nice, i had missed my family. but it was even nicer having my boys here

once we had finished the meal we walked back to the boys cars and my mum and kian went to get my present that they left in the car.
"what's happened with you and kian?" my dad finally asked
"i ... i don't know. i messed up and didn't message him every day and i know he worries but it's not fair on me"
"he just cares but i think you're right to not fight him on it, he will stop being an arse eventually" my dad half laughed. i looked at him, he looked older than before, bags under his eyes and grey hair more frequent
"you okay?" i asked my dad
"i'm fine gracie, missing you and can't believe you're jetting off around europe!" i smiled, i couldn't believe i was leaving in a matter of days
"i love you dad"
"i love you grace" he said just as my mum and kian came back with the presents, adam, ross and george had already left. i knew they were up to something and i couldn't wait
"happy 19th grace" my mum said handing me the first bag. inside was my passport, birth certificate, European health card. all the things i needed to leave. then i found a ring, it was silver and had a beautiful amethyst stone encrusted inside it
"i love it mum, thankyou" i said hugging her. kian handed my a lilac bag and didn't quiet look me in the eye. inside was a photo album with little bits of my life, train tickets, concert tickets, the plane ticket from portugal. i smiled
"thanks kian, love you" he did nothing but nod, matty shook hands with my dad and kian
"we should go" my dad said
"yeah us too, see you soon guys" matty said as we climbed into his range rover. we waved at them as we left the restaurant parking area. i turned to matty and smiled
"thankyou baby"
"it's not over yet" he chuckled. u lent back in the seat as we sped off into the afternoon.
after a while of driving to another location matty asked
"how is it so far?" i smiled at him
"it's perfect matty" and i meant it.


"where are we?" i asked since i couldn't see because of the blindfold matty had put on me 10 minutes ago
"i swear if this is some kinda sex thing- "
"would you shutup" matty said, i giggled
"sorry healy"
"okay .. take it off" i removed the blindfold to see us outside manchester airport
"you said you wanted to go away, so let's go away, properly before tour" i couldn't speak, i didn't possess the words anymore.
"where are we going?" i asked
"greece and i'm sorry it's only a short trip, 7 days, we will be home for the 27th, but i wanted us to go somewhere, the two of us, before tour"
"matty" i looked at the curly haired boy, we were no longer 17 and 18. we were no longer in college going on nights out and having house parties. we are were 19 and 20, matty was in a successful band, i was floating but happy. we were us.
"our flight leaves in an hour, the boys packed your bags so. don't blame me if you have the weirdest outfits" he laughed as i saw george, ross and adam emerge from george's car.
"surprise" ross said
"you all knew?" i asked
"for weeks" adam told me. george appeared beside me with three suitcases.
"have the best time" he said kissing me on top of my head. they walked us to the check in point before they had to leave. matty and the boys all hugged and they made me promise to look after him. how couldn't i.
"we will see you guys soon, be good we will be two days, please let me come home to a nice tidy flat" matty warned george.

we waved goodbye to them before checking in our suitcases. matty produced two tickets to greece and showed them to the lady while i just stared in awe at my boyfriend.

"right we have to board now so we don't have time for duty free sorry baby"
"we have all the time in the world matty we don't have to do it all now"

one week in greece with matty starting on my nineteenth, what more could i want

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now