its her time to leave him

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14th of may, 2 days before lollapalooza paris

the last few days i'd barley seen the boys, they had been practising for lolla. but denise and louis were flying out. today so i had to meet them at the airport. i was excited. i was also terrified to see denise, we haven't really seen eachother since the incident with gabby at the restraunt, i was convinced she hated me, and i didn't have matty to back me up today. i would be alone. i shook the thought off and decided to put my best foot forward

at 12pm i rolled out of bed, id felt a little off today, just sad. but i knew that was okay and i just needed to clear my head. so i took a long warm shower taking care to wash my long hair. once i stepped out i decided on an outfit. i chose a red chiffon dress with floral patterns, it was a box cut and fitted around the top then following out to my thigh. i smiled. for shoes i chose my nike air max knowing i'd be walking a lot today. i grabbed my bag and headed down to the lobby where the taxi was waiting to take me to the airport

"GRACE!" squealed denise pulling me into a powdery hug
"denise! hey! i've missed you!" i said hugging her back, she seemed genuinely happy to see me
"hey louis! man you've grown since i last saw you" i said hugging mattys not so small brother
"hey!" he beamed, i. couldn't believe he was already 15, he was getting so big. then again i haven't seen him for a year. i smiled
"let's grab some lunch" i told them
"yes! we have so much to talk about" said denise indicating at my stomach
"i would be offended you didn't tell me in person. but i know you've been busy" she joked
"i am sorry denise, everything just been .. so much! but we have so so much to discuss" , she nodded as we trailed back to the taxi and asked him to take us to the best place for late dinner.

"thankyou" we beamed at the waitress as she took our order, leaving us to sit and talk for a while.
"have you thought names?" she asked
"we have one, if it's a girl, matty suggested lia" , denise smiled at me
"i think that's a lovely idea" , i smiled back at her, this way lia could live on, and i would tell oh daughter stories, god the stories of tell our child about lia. i smiled remembering them fondly
"you okay?" denise questioned clearly worried
"i'm fine! just miss her sometimes you know?"
"that's normal darling, you just need more time" , i smiled at her. after the incident with gabby i was sure she didn't like me, perhaps i was just too young back then?
"how is he?" she asked in relation to matty, i nodded
"he's good" i wanted to be discreet infront of louis
"he calls his therapist weekly and we talk about it now, he really seems to be coping. he told me he still gets urges, which is understandable, but he's coping" , she nodded, she understood since she'd struggled herself in the past with addiction. once our food arrived the talk died out, i was relived. i was glad things were seemingly okay with me and denise but i missed matty and i needed someone in my corner if anything happened

once we got back to the hotel denise and louis went to their room and i back to mine and mattys. after about twenty minutes i heard a soft knock and a faint
"hey it's me grace" , it was denise
"um come in" i called. she opened the door and smiled at me, everything seemed fine ... it was fine.
"you okay? did you find your rooms?" i asked,
"yes we did, and yes everything's fine. i just thought you and me should have a chat" , as soon as she said those words my heart fell to the floor and the sickness reappeared. i knew something was going to happen and inevitably it was
"sure what's up?" i asked doing my best to remain calm
"i'm going to be honest with you grace, i have nothing against you. infact i was rude when i asked gabby along to dinner all that time ago" , i relaxed a little
"however, i don't think you two are right for on another" , as confidently as i could, i sat up straight
"i think we are just fine" i retorted standing my ground
"you're nineteen and pregnant" she scoffed
"me and matty both decided to keep the child, we want this" i told her
"does he though?"
"yes! i gave him options, he had the choice, we made it mutually" i wasn't backing down
"this child will mess his life up" she told me, the words burned
"i think you should leave" i said quietly, the words barley audible. she walked towords the door but before she opened it she left me with a final soeahc
"leave. if you leave i'll transfer you some money, enough for you and the baby. think about it darling, i know it's hard and you want the life, but a child is going to change this. mattys career is taking off. don't spoil his life" and with that the door was opened and swiftly shut again.

i sat in disbelief, i pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them tightly. what. i pulled the covers around my and leaned against the headboard in complete disbelief. i loved matty and knew this was what we both wanted. i tried to ignore denise's words but they stuck, they stuck like glue. i caught a glimpse of my suitcase in the corner of the room, i thought about it, just for a second. should i leave? would matty be better off without me?

i walked to the suitcase and pulled it out of the wardrobe sobbing, i wiped the tears away with the back of my hand and started to unzip the suitcase. the tears came faster, and i couldn't breathe. i had two choices right now. i got up from the tiled floor kicking the suitcase and grabbing my phone

"hey i would like to order a taxi"

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