falling back into old habbits

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of course i never felt fully relaxed in a car after what happened. but sitting in mattys range rover i certainly felt safe. one hand was placed on my shaking leg, the other directly focoused on the wheel and the road. he laughed, he spoke beautifully but never took his eyes of the road. there was a comfort in that. he knew i was scared and he took precautions.
"so" he started
"we leave in a little more than a month"
"oh" was all i could say
"yeah today's the 22nd and we leave on the 30 of may"
"i'll miss you guys. it's gonna be weird"
"why don't you come?" he asked. i mulled it over before hearing lia in my head, i know she'd be angry if i didn't
"are you sure?"
"of course you idiot, it isn't the same without you" i smiled. how could i do anything but smile.
"where are you going again?"
"europe dates, so like paris and all that"
"it sounds beautiful"
"not as beautiful as you"
"shutup cheesy" i said giggling, suddenly panic hit me
"will the boys be okay with it?"
"GRACE! of course they will, they were over the moon last time you were gonna come. nothing's changed. you're family now"
"thankyou matty, for everything" for a spilt second i felt sad, but it passed. and that was strange. id spent so much time sad and mourning i didn't think i could be excited ever again. i didn't think i'd ever get the opportunity to go on tour either. but here we are.

"NO" screeched george
"YES" i yelled back
"kids kids HEY kids" matty yelled laughed
"grace we will watch pitch perfect first and then george we will watch the purge"
i kissed matty on the lips before resting my forehead against his.
"thankyou matty" i said triumphantly
"whatever" sulked george
"oh georgie you don't know the beauty of it" i said giggling before hugging my friendly giant.
"ross that smells GOOD" i said wondering into the kitchen
"vegan lasagna"
"mmmm" adam was at carly's tonight, we were the uncoupled four. well, me and matty were ... something. what exactly i didn't know. but i didn't want to push, i was happy with things.

four hours and two films later

"i'm BEAT" said ross getting up
"seeya tomorrow lads" he said heading to his flat across the road
"see ya rossy" i chimed
the door shut as he left leaving us three.
"orgy?" george asked shrugging
"GEORGE" i said throwing a cushion at him, he caught i before laughing
"ya love me" i giggled, it's true i do.
"i'm gonna head to sleep too, don't and i mean do not have sex on this sofa, i love it"
"mate get out" matty said.
as soon as he left i went to lay near matty, my head in his chest, our fingers locked and he kissed my forehead.
"thankyou matty"
"for what?"
"everything's been so hard"
"i know baby"
"i'm glad we are back, all of us"
"so am i"

the next morning- 23rd of april, 36 days until tour

"morning" matty said waking me slowly
"hey" i looked at him hunched in the chair scribbling into a book
"whatcha writing?"
"one day you'll hear it"
"i'm sorry i keep taking your bed matty"
"nah it's no problem, the chair and sofa is comfy"
"still, i'll go tonight"
"i wish you wouldn't" he said sitting on the bed, inches away from my face
"yes" he said his lips crashing into mine at full speed, my hands flew to his hair, raking through his messy curls. he pulled away and looked at me. i really was falling in love. again.
we were suddenly interrupted by the door swinging open. george in his white calvin cleins and hair tied in a man bun
"morning" he said crashing in between us on the bed, moving his way up and under the covers so he was in the middle
"morning georgie" i said to the giant baby
"mate the fuck?" asked matty
"shutup you both love me" he wasn't wrong.
we spent most of the day cuddled up in mattys king bed, just talking about any shit that popped into our mind. george and matty lit up the occasional spliff while i stuck solely to menthol cigarettes
"how can you smoke that shit?" matty asked with a disgusted face
"shutup lover boy they're nice" he took the cigarette from my fingers and inhaled, the smoke flowing though his curl. god.
"ew" he exclaimed with a disgusted look
"unbelievable" soon it was five pm and i started to pack my things
"i'll take you give me five" said matty
"thankyou baby" it all just felt so natural, and it i didn't let myself remember my bestfriend was no longer with us, it was like no time had passed. we walked outside his flat waving goodbye to the doorman and headed into the parking lot, he opened my door for me. as soon as we reached my house i pouted. it all went too quickly when i was with the boys
"do you have to go?" matty asked
"spend a couple nights, a week even with us?" he proposed
"are you sure i mean i would love to, i don't wanna get under your feet"
"shutup and pack a bag"
"are you sure?"
"are you sure though"
i kissed him quickly before running in the house,

briefly explaining to kian and my mum and packing a suitcase full of clothes, wash items, underwear, makeup and shoes. everything i would need for a week or so. i flew down the stairs and kissed kian goodbye.
"promise you'll text?" he asked looking concerned
"i love you and i'm happy to see you like this again"
"like what?"
"happy kid" i smiled bigger than i though was possible and hugged him one last time
"look after yourself kian and i'll see you in a week"
"love you"
"love ya"

as soon as i went outside and saw him waiting with the biggest grin i knew i was in love. i knew i had to tell him before i lost him again. in just over a month we would be jetting off to europe, it terrified me. but also there was a part of me that couldn't say no. i had to do it for, but also for lia.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now