first time

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/// tw, it gets sexual from here on out

12th of may - 18 days until tour

sun shone into the room where me and matty lay. his arms were tangled around his sides as if he had a stitch. i smiled, he liked so angelic in this light with the peering in, shining on his face. he looked at peace. i walked into mattys ensuite and did my makeup quickly before tying my hair in a bobble. i slipped on some champion black sweatpants with a grey tank top. lazy day attire. i slipped back into bed and pulled out my phone, i had various texts from kian and my dad that i didn't want to see right now. also a voicemail from ross

*voicemail from ross*
hey kid, heard mattys bad. don't take it upon yourself to fix him. it's his mistakes not yours and george's. love you

i smiled it was good knowing he had my back and my interests at heart. matty stirred in the bed next to me,
"morning" i whispered
"hey" he croaked, his voice horse. we stayed cuddling in bed all day, avoiding talking at all costs. i needed to tell him i found the letter, i just ... i couldn't yet. i knew when i did that everything would kick off because he didn't love me the way he did before.

five pm rolled around too quickly and george had gone to see adam
"food?" he asked
"pasta? something simple?" i suggested
"yeah, cmon then babe" i smiled following him like a lost dog. i sat on the marble counter and he kissed me like he did before, but this time it felt cold. i loved him, but he didn't love me the same way.
"matty" i started
"yeah?" i knew if i said what i was about to it would all change
"i found what you wrote about me" he stood in silence for a couple seconds
"dont" i said with tears in my eyes
"i think i understand. you don't love me the same way anymore"
"no! grace that isn't it"
"then what is it? because you're cold and you're distant and it's killing me matty" i said fully crying now
"i just- i- i cant ruin you grace"
"i'm already fucking ruined matty, there is nothing left to take" i said standing up and starting to head to the door
"no, no you're not leaving"
"is there anything to fight for?" i said complexity tired and exhausted
"there is everything to fight for. i love you i just don't want to hurt you anymore"
"i don't care matty"
"you should" be said inches away from my face
"i don't" i whispered one last time before our lips collided at full speed. every other kids ha even gentle, romantic. this was fast and vicious, fighting for air. my hands flew to his hair, he pushed my back into the wall, leaving bruises all over my neck. i moaned out
"you sure?" he asked looking me in the eye. i nodded.
"yes" as soon as i said those three little letters he picked me up and put me on the bed in his room, kissing me passionately once more, my tank top was pulled over my head and my champion sweats discarded. his top was soon off and my hands wondered all over his rib cadge and torso.
"you are so beautiful" he said. his hands fumbled into my underwear, he looked dead into my eyes seeking consent, i nodded and he set his hand to work. exploring every inch of me, leaving nothing unturned
"matty-" i breathed
"i know, let go" and i did, over and over. then it was time for the main event, he pumped himself a couple times before leaning over to get a condom
"will it hurt?"
"a little, bit i will be gentle gracey" i nodded, he had me, all of me. suddenly he was inside me, slowly as he promised and gentle, i arched my back, my nails clawing at him.
"mm matty"
"grace" he breathed as we both climaxed together before he fell next to me exhausted.
"wow" i said
"wow indeed" he chuckled before kissing my forehead slowly
"i love you"
"i love you, and i'm really working on all this shit"
"i know baby" i said cupping his face tenderly


george was still out at this point so me and matty roamed around the apartment freely, me in just my underwear and his t-shirt, him in just grey sweats. we kissed a lot and watched a lot of soppy films. i began to fall asleep on his chest when i heard the door go. george was home. now i could fully relax and give into the temptation of sleep. maybe thirty minutes latter i felt strong arms carry me to a bed before laying me down softly and kissing my cheek. matty. he got beside me and whispered
"i love you"
"love you" i mumbled back. i had a feeling it would all be okay

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now