loving others

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"don't hate me" matty said once we arrived back at the hotel after lunch
"hmmm" i hummed playing with my fingers
"we are having dinner tonight" he said, relief lapped i've my body. way too soon i may add
"with um, with mum and gabby" his words came out like acid and i wanted to yell, instead i smiled sweetly
"no boys?" i asked
"i mean, george could come?" i felt this was an effort to keep me from declining the offer of dinner
"i'll go ask i'm" i shrugged, matty nodded and kissed my lips slowly, edging his tongue in signalling for more. i ran my fingers through his hair before pulling away
"let me go ask before we start this" i whispered into his lips. i felt him smile beneath me.

i was about to knock on george's door when i noticed that jamie, the boys manager, was staring at me from down the corridor
"hey!" i called to him, i knew he was missing his kids and wife
"heya kiddo! good to see you back" he said walking over to me
"it's good to be back!" i beamed at him
"i'll bet, you going out tonight then?" he asked
"yeah i'm just about to ask george if he wants to come! i know gabby and denise are and .. well i just want to have someone in my corner"i said staring at the floor
"i get that! gabby and denise can be intimidating" he chuckled. i smiled at him, i really appreciated him making me feel more secure
"well i should get going but have a good time tonight"
"i'll try!" i sighed as he walked back to his room

i turned back to george's door and began to knock
"come in" i heard a muffled voice say form inside. i pushes open the door to find george looking out the window wearing grey sweats and no shirt
"heya!" he said pulling me into a hug, he smelt of aftershave and body wash.
"you okay?" i asked
"i'm good kiddo!" he said cheerily
"so .. here's the thing. matty and me are going for a meal with denise and gabby and" i didn't finish before he smiled
"of course i'll come" , i sighed with relief
"thankyou" i told him extremely sincerely
"any time. what time and what should i wear?" he asked
"um matty didn't specify say either but be ready in two hours at least and just dress nice" , he faked hurt at my last comment
"i always dress nice!" he declared showing off his sweatpants
"hmm" i giggled standing up
"see ya soon georgie" i laugher heading out to prepare for tonight

as soon as i went into the corridor i saw gabby coming out of her room, i can assume she was going to see matty but when she saw me she went back to her in. my mouth formed a scowl, what was she up to? i knew matty better than that and we'd talked it out. i trusted him.

i opened the door into our room to find matty already in the shower, i walked the the closest and looked for an appropriate outfit for dinner. i eventually chose a light wash denim skirt and red bardot top. i curled my hair into beach waves and applied some bronzer and mascara. matty came behind me and rested his hands on my shoulders
"you look gorgeous" he said locking eyes with me in the mirror, i smiled back at him
"thankyou" , i turned around to see he was dressed, white jeans and a t-shirt with an old band on it. i grabbed my high top converse and cross body and we were ready to go.
"is george coming?" he asked
"he said yes earlier so .. yes" i giggled, matty smirked at me
"you go get him and i'll get mum n gabby" , i smiled at him. he looked healthy right now, his tattoos leading out from his thin t-shirt.
"okay" i said leaning into kiss him.

"i'm ready i'm ready" george called from inside his room, i giggled walking in to find him surrounded by clothes on the floor. he was wearing black jeans and a thin grey t-shirt, i smiled
"even your hair looks good today george"
"shutup" he retaliated, he stood in the mirror to check his hair for a final time before he turned to smile at me
"let's go face the demons then kid" , the pit of anxiety in my stomach re-opened and i realised that we were having dinner with the people who hated me the most the room began to spin and i thought i was going to throw up
"hey, hey, sit down gracie" george said pulling my hand so i sat in the bed
"im .. i don't think i can do this george" i whispered not being able to breathe
"firstly breathe deeply. in and out" he said demonstrating
"i'm so scared" i whispered once my breath had come back
"i know and it's okay" he nodded at me. he smile was reassuring and i knew he would look after me. i shot a faint smile back
"let's do this?" i said, it felt like a question. it definitely was.
"come on the then" he said getting up and offering my both his hands to pull myself up. i took them and grinned, i felt a lot better now i knew george knew how nervous i was.

as we walked out of his door we saw matty, gabby and his mum down the hallway. gabby was dressed in a beautiful satin, black, short dress. it really showed how beautiful her figure was. i looked at my own outfit and it seemed disgusting. george picked up on this and told me
"you look gorgeous" , i shot a smile back, i couldn't do tonight alone.
he offered me his hand once more and i took it as we walked after my boyfriend, his ex and his mum

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now