home time

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27th of may - 3 days until tour- the day matty and grace (and george) go home

"gracie you gotta wake up" matty said gently shaking my arm
"gracie" he said again. when i opened my eyes i later my head against the pillow, our faces inches apart.
"morning" i said, he smiled at me brushing his hair out of his face
"you okay?" he asked
"i'm good, are you?"
"this is all i could want, to wake up with you, so i'm good"
"soppy bitch" i replied, this made him grin even more
"i don't want to leave" he admitted
"me neither, but we have to"
"i know .. tours starting soon" he said
"are you excited?" i asked
"yes! are you?"
"honestly i am matty, i want to be anywhere with you" i blushed
"now who's the soppy one"
"give over" i said pushing his arm.

i got out of bed and walked to the waderobe to get my only remaining items. black denim skirt and off the shoulder yellow crop top. i pulled my nike air force out and packed my carry along, ensuring all the gifts for everyone were safely packed. before i walked back into the room to see matty scribbling on the balcony. i didn't say anything at first i just watched the way he moved, how his hand darted and the way he itched his eye every once in a while. he finally spoke

"i can see you!" , i jumped a little, taken back
"how you're facing the other way?" , he turned round and told me
"i always know when you're there" , i smiled, how could i not.
"we should get going" i whispered
"i know" he replied not moving, i went out into the balcony and peered over his shoulder
"what you writing about?" i asked
"you, me, greece, getting clean, george"
"so everything?" i giggled
"everything" he agreed. he smiled, i'd missed that smile, the genuine one. i leaned against the railings of the balcony, yes a lot of bad things happened here but i also fell completely in love again. i realised we were strong enough to love on another, perhaps through everything.
"baby, taxis here, time to go" matty said bringing me down from my daydream, i kissed him slowly
"let's go home"

once they landed in england

"noooooo GEORGE" i screamed
"AAAA GET OFF HAHAHAHA LOOK GRACEY" he yelled back at me. he was on the luggage collector, sat on the conveyer belt
"can you READ you idiot it says do NOT SIT"
"OH FUCKIN WELL" he yelled back.
by this time we had began to accumulate stares, from families and couples. i apologised profusely for my best friends antics.
once we had collected our luggage we bundled into mattys car, which he had left at the airport while we went away. me and matty in the front, george in the back like a baby
"what the plan for tonight?" george asked
"excuse me?" i said
"what's the plan?"
"sleep george how are you not exhausted?" i asked turning to face him, he shrugged and laughed
"no, we have to prepare everything for tour, i still have to meet jamie and sort out the help for matty, we have to pack, sort the apartment out, and then decide what to do with the cars"
george sighed
"you're no fun"
"i wish i could be you idiot but we have so much to do"
"kids kids calm down" matty joked, his hand placed firmly on my thigh while we sped off back to the apartment where our other boys and carly were waiting

back at the apartment

leon greeted us warmly, open smiles and warm words
"i missed you! this place has been so quiet without you" he gushed
"leon! i love you! has the apartment been okay?" i asked
"everything's been fine! the water guy came and checked everything and he said it's all okay"
"thankyou leon, what would we do without you"
he smiled as we walked towards the elevator. i truly would miss him when we left for tour but i was assured he would look after the place. once we left the lift and unlocked the door we were greeted by adam, ross and carly.
"WELL COME HOME" they yelled pulling us all in for a massive group hug, the cases and bags fell to the floor and nothing mattered because we were home


"we should get lunch before you go!" squealed carly. i so badly wanted to say yes, but i had so much. to plan before we left, but i also didn't want to miss this opportunity, we would be gone for a month and i'd miss her.
"of course! does tomorrow work for you?"
"yes that's good!"
"i'll see you then!" i said pulling my favourite ginger into a long hug
"you're really the only girl i have around me so .. thankyou for keeping me sane" i giggled
"i'm here whenever, please know that"

carly and adam left soon after, ross had passed out on the couch at this point.
"imma shower" i told matty and george. i picked up two towels and some pyjamas before stepping into mattys en-suite. 20 minutes later i walked back out, white sweatpants and red croptop jumper. my hair was just air drying.
"you look gorgeous babe" matty lied
"i look like a drown rat"
"you look like matty then!" george joked
"we should all get to sleep, these next few days are going to be long"
"comin baby" matty said getting up and heading towards our room
"you too george" i scolded. i ran to the linen cupboard and got ross a fluffy blanket, he murmured something as i put it over him but he was so incoherent at this point.

i walked back into mine and mattys room shutting the door and jumping into bed with him.
"we're home" he said
"i know" i replied snuggling under the duvet beside my boyfriend

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now