fancy evening meals

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8th of may - 22 days until tour


i started to stir, id had the best sleep i'd had in months. stretching my arms and legs i noticed matty wasn't beside me
"MATTY?" i called our getting frantic. i ran out of his bedroom into the living room,
"matty?" i checked the shower and even george's room. neither of them were anywhere. i ran into the kitchen to see a scrawled note. mattys handwriting

hey babe, you were still sleeping but me and george have gone to collect my suit. we should be back before you wake up but just incase we aren't, love you xx - matty

i sighed with relief. i was so worried but i had to stop freaking out about small things. an alarm on my phone went off for me to take my antidepressants, as i walked to the bathroom cabinet i pulled them out, shaking the container. nothing. empty.
"for fucks sake" i said. i pulled out my phone and started to type a message to matty,

*new message to matty*

grace: matty cou-

half way through typing the message i got an incoming call

"hey" i sang down the line
"you okay?"
"yeah sorry i wasn't there when you woke up, but i picked up some more antidepressants for you i noticed you ran out" i smiled
"matty i was just about to text you"
"great minds" i giggled down the phone
"i'll be home soon"
"love you" i said
"love you"

i decided i'd shower and start to get ready as i knew how long i'd take.
by the time i was out of the shower it was 2pm and the boys had messaged me to say they were nearly home. i got out of the shower and shrugged on mattys white hoodie with some underwear from pink.
i heard the door unlocking and ran towards it
"i'm hom-" before he could finish i'd jumped in mattys arms
"woahhh we weren't gone that long"
"i misssssssdddd youuu" ,george scoffed
"and you georgie" i said hugging my friendly giant
"you okay?" matty said handing me my new pills
"yes and thankyou" i grinned.
"we should all start getting ready, we need to leave for about five as it's quite a long way with traffic"
"grace?" matty said
"relax, it's a thirty minute drive and we need to get there for six, we have time" he was right and i knew he was, i was just scared.
"don't worry" he said reading my mind. i half smiled, picking at the skin on my nails
"i shouldn't be worried but i cant help it" he sighed sitting beside me on the sofa
"you've met mum"
"a year ago"
"she hasn't changed that much"
"and lincoln?"
"nice enough"
"so relax grace" and that's exactly what i did. at four i started to get ready at four. for my makeup i did my foundation, contour, fake lashes with some basic eyeshadow before filling my brows in and heading to where my straighteners were plugged in. i sectioned my hair into parts and made sure every piece was perfect. it was five now and as i headed to the wardrobe i glimpsed at matty in the mirror, he looked so beautiful. his tight fitted suit, his hair all fluffy. wow. i slipped the bottom half of my two piece on, stoking the jewels, next the corset bit,
"george?" i called
"come here"
"wow" he breathed walking in
"can you do me up? i don't want matty to see yet?" he nodded
"you look good gracey" he said tying the corset.
"you ready baby?" matty shouted from the living room. george grinned
"you got this"
as i grabbed my black clutch, shoving my purse, phone and perfume in i left mattys room. when he saw me his jaw dropped.
"wow" he said in between breaths, i giggled a little
"you look good matty" i told him
"you look, wow"
"stop" i said pushing his chest
"george you okay to drive us mate?"
"yeah yeah that's fine, you drinking tonight?" he asked
"yeah i might have a glass so can you pick us up?"
"of course" george said as we walked through the lobby, leon the doorman clapped. we walked to george's car instead of mattys. george had a beautiful bouje silver bmw. me and matty day in the back our hands laced together.
"i feel like a taxi driver" george laughed looking in the mirror at us cuddled together
"i wish you could come georgie"
"i do not"
"posh restaurants and best behaviour. does that sound like me?" i giggled
"it does not" matty laughed, looking at me for a long time
"i love you" he said
"i love you" i said kissing his forehead.
"oi! no sex in this car" george stated
"shutup mate" matty replied
"we are here your majesty's" george said mocking us. two bell boys came to open the door and i hugged george swiftly
"drive safe"
"will do kid"
"you'll do fine" he said
"i needed that"
"i know"
i got out of the car, accompanied by mattys hand to hold me upright. we linked arms and walked up the stairs of the grand restaurant.
"wow" i said
"posh" matty commented. he uttered his mums name to the water and he guided us to the table.
"grace dear" denise said kissing me swiftly on both cheeks, matty and lincoln shook hands. i noticed that there was an empty seat beside denise. i tried to shrug it off. matty however did not.
"yes dear?"
"why is there an extra seat" denise looked uncomfortable
"well" she started. but before she could finish i beautiful girl with natural light hair walked in.
"sorry i'm late" she whispered to denise
"gabby?" matty said. gabby?
"hey lincoln" she said kissing him on his cheek.
"matty" she nodded
"mum?" matty asked again
"yes?" she asked unaware
"why what?" she blinked
"why is gabby here when my girlfriend is here"
"well you never know" she said not meeting me in the eye
"grace i think you're very nice, but matty, you and gabby have been on and off for years. maybe it was just right girl wrong time?" she suggested. matty stood up, scraping the chair and causing everyone to look at us
"mathew sit down" she said calmly. gabby looked just as uncomfortable as me.
"matty" she said, god even her voice was beautiful
"no i won't sit here and go through this and neither with grace" i flushed red, embarrassed and upset. his mum didn't like me. and gabbys uncomfortableness has shifted to a smirk. great.
"we are leaving" he said grabbing my hand and smiling at me with all his energy.
with that we stood up, hand in hand. and walked swiftly out of the restaurant

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now