tired of you

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24th of june - madcool

i woke up first and tossed and turned in the warm bed to be meted by mattys half open eyes
"morning" he whispered
"have you been awake long?" i murmured my eyes stinging for waking up
"a bit" he answers
"yeah a little" he replied, i smiled resting my head on his chest
"you're gonna do fine" i said tracing lines on the duvet we both lay under. his arms wrapped around me and he rested his head on my chin
"we should get ready" he said
"i don't wanna move" i laughed
"me neither"

30 minutes later we both were up, showered and deciding on what to wear. i looked in the wardrobe and all the new clothes i bought before deciding on a red body con dress and light denim jacket. it was too hot for anything else, i shrugged on my high top white converse and went out on the balcony to see matty, dressed in black jeans and a white t-shirt, no surprise there smoking
"you look so cool" i teased
"behave" he said before turning around and eying up my outfit
"how are you so gorgeous" he sighed pulled me into a kiss
"let's go jamie will be mad" i breathed into his lips, i felt then smile beneath me
"let's go" he relied slipping his hand into mine and stroking a hand through his hair, he looked effortlessly good. i didn't know how he was going survive in black all day but he was matty healy. the heat wouldn't stop him.

as soon as we got downstairs i ran and jumped into george's back
"kid i will end you i swear" he faked angry
"you love meeeee georgieeee" i sang jumping down
"matty she ain't suppose to drink while pregnant"
"ha ha" i replied at his sarcasm.
ross grinned at me like an idiot, he, just like matty, was dressed in black jeans and white t-shirt. george has opted for a top without sleeves and black jeans. adam was still upstairs with carly and so was gabby
"you excited then?" i asked the boys, ross smiled
"i am! a festive is big news"
"we are bottom of the line up" george mused and ross nudged him
"gotta start somewhere" matty replied. we all checked our phones for a while, george texting me making fun of my outfit and telling me stupid jokes. ross called his mum to check up on her and matty stood flicking through instagram. i smiled at them all truly content

"the fuck is adam" george asked breaking the silence
"still upstairs" matty mused stating the obvious
"hm really ya don't say" he quipped back
"we will be late" ross groaned just as jamie walked towards us rubbing his hands together
"hello lads and grace" he said nodding at me
"hey" we all relplied
"adam will be down soon .. as will um gabby and denise" he said avoiding eye contact with me, i smiled at him sweetly
"it's okay jamie i know they're coming" , his face cleared
"sorry i just .. know things are tense"
"it's okay" i shrugged. i didn't mean it. i badly wanted denise to like me as i was having her sons child. as for gabby i couldn't care less, she was mattys ex, his past. i was his future.

"we will set off as soon as they are down, they shouldn't be too long" jamie told us
"how many cars are we taking?" george asked, jamie shifted uncomfortably
"i booked one"
"why would we need more?" matty asked clearly becoming a little angry
"seriously?" george laughed in his face
"you can't expect her to sit with the two people who hate her the most" george continued, the tension was rising quickly
"grace are you bothered?" matty asked me, i shifted my feet, i didn't want to cause trouble but i didn't want to be in a taxi with those two
"i- i'm not to bothered i don't want to cause bother" i admitted, i felt my face flame red. matty saw this and his face clouded with sadness and anger
"fine" he spat towards george, he wouldn't even face me
"matty" i mumbled
"no, i'm going for a smoke you and george make your own way there" he said waking out leaving me, ross, george and jamie
"i should-" jamie started
"go" i said sadly
"i'm sorry grace" jamie said looking at my misty eyes i shook my head
"it's okay" i whispered.
george met my eyes and pulled me into his chest so i could cry, ross mumbled a sorry before walking out to find matty, i didn't blame him

"cmon kid don't let this spoil your day" george said taking my hand and walking me out the door and past matty straight into a taxi
"mad cool please mate" he said to the taxi driver, he nodded and smiled at me seeing my stained face, he didn't comment but the smile made my stomach settle
"i'm sorry i caused that" george said after a few silent minutes
"it's okay" i said, i meant it this time
"i didn't mean for any of that to happen" he continued
"seriously george it's okay" i said a slight with a slight laugh
"matty just doesn't think and i knew you wouldn't want to be with them" his first curled into balls and his face was filled with anger. i took his balled fists and lacked then in my soft hands, the uncurled and he relaxed
"thankyou georgie" i said softly smiling at him as i rested my head on his shoulder.

it was still early and with the events of this morning i was shattered. i closed went eyes resting on his broad shoulders and i let the palm tress and endless roads pass me by. the real world could wait, matty and his new found anger could wait. i needed sleep right now.
thoughts swirled in my head and madcool had gone from the place i wanted to be to the last place i wanted to be. i sighed more into george as i let the sleep wash over me. i felt safe with him

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