unlock it

375 6 1

31st of march

graces pov

when i woke matty was gone, i didn't worry like i use to. i knew he'd be with jamie or the boys. i slipped out of bed and headed to the bathroom, the sickness was still apparent, but fading. i stepped into the shower, rinsing the hot rain off my body.

the boys had their first show tonight, but i had the whole day to sit and watch them rehearse. i couldn't be happier.

once i stepped out of he shower i opened for a casual outfit, blue denim skirt with high top converse and stripped cropped jumped. paired with a denim jacket and black beret. for my makeup i applied a thin layer of foundation, brows and mascara. i brushed my black hair and sat on the bed. i was about to pull out my phone and text matty when he walked in the door

"morning babe" he smiled kissing my lips softly
"morning matty" i breathed back into him.
"i'm gonna get ready and then we okay for sound check?" he asked like i wouldn't want to go
"of course" i smiled at him.
he went into the bathroom and appeared minutes later with wet hair and black ripped jeans. he pulled on a floral shirt and announced we were ready
"let's go" he said offering me his hand. i took it and we walked into the corridor and down to the lobby where a taxi waited for us, a couple fans were outside and matty took pictures with a few
"you're so pretty!" one fan gushed to me
"i'm not but thankyou" i smiled back.
another pulled me into a hug and told me she loved me hair. this was mattys world not mine. but i guess it was now?
"you okay?" he asked once we were in the taxi and the fans were starry eyed
"i'm just .. it's so strange, i'm really in your world now" i giggled

when we arrived at the studio jamie and the other boys were already seated sprung a table discussing what songs
"yeah yeah we could do that then transition into chocolate?" george offered
"but we could do girl then chocolate?" matty added jumping straight in.
"no that's shit" ross spoke up
"fuck off i like it" argued adam
"for god sake" george moaned

jamie got up and stood with me so i wasn't alone
"you okay?" he asked
"i'm fine! how are you though? missing everyone i guess?" , he chuckled
"i miss the kids like mad but the boys are kids too" , i giggled at this, the boys were children most of the time. george sparked up a spliff and passed it to matty as the continued to argue about the set list

"right boys!" jamie said taking charge
"let's get to the venue and practice and see what feels natural" , adam and ross looked relived at this, i couldn't help but giggle
"yeah actually" matty and george agreed. jamie was the 1975 whisperer. anything he wanted he could do.

we all piled into another taxi on the way to the venue. once we got there people were already camping for the concert
"are they for us? for our show?" ross breathed, jamie nodded
"they've been there all night" he told ross. all the boys look starstruck. i couldn't be more proud of them, was the only thing ringing through my mind.

once we arrived the boys were imidiatly mobbed, mark their security guard once again had to part the crowd to get us safely inside. no matter how chaotic his hand would always meet mine though. matty pulled me inside the venue as the doors shut behind us
"haha that shit .. i won't ever get use to it" george laughed
"me neither mate" matty agreed.

they all got into position the stage while me and jamie waited backstage. they struck up the station chords to "the 1975" followed by the city and chocolate. the sounded so good when they moved onto robbers and i remembered the first time he played it for me outside my house. i teared yo and jamie pulled me into a hug
"they've made it haven't they j?" i asked him, he looked at me with his own foggy eyes
"yes they have grace, they've made it"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now