hiding in a libary

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8:30 am

walking into college i felt calm, i felt okay. i had my playlist of anxiety ridding songs on and a clear head.
as i entered the classroom i picked my folder up from the book case and greeted my teacher with a soft smile
"am i okay to do this in the library? my macbooks in my bag and i know what i'm doing"
she smiled back before nodding with worried eyes.
i knew she worried about me, i was fragile to everyone. but i was determined to change that.

i sat a table in the library, time to do my business work. i pulled out my notepad and my folder and began to read the brief.
typing away i was suddenly in contact with a wave of depression. they came often and hard. closing my mac i swiftly called it a day at 1pm. packing my things away i noticed a boy looking at me. he was sat behind a computer with a mound of work. i began to walk quickly mindful of his gaze.
heading down the corridor i suddenly heard a faint
"excuse me"
i whipped around to see a tall boy, at least 6ft4
"you left this" he said staring at me with deep eyes.
my notepad.
"thankyou i don't know what i'd do with out it"
"yeah no problem you know! i'm uh i'm george by the way"
"nice to meet you! i'm grace"
he smiled before opening his mouth as if to speak
"i uh yeah i um should get back but it's been nice meeting you grace"
i softly laughed
"you too mate"
before backing away and walking to the stairs shaking my head


sat in a costa drinking an americano was definitely a personality trait for me. i decided to write some poetry in my battered notepad. i wrote about matty, but i wrote a lot about him. it was strange, i barley new him, but i felt so connected. i think i lost myself within the words on the page, because the next thing i remember was a figure standing over me
"hello again" he said softly
my mouth spread into a wide grin, matty.
"hi there stranger"
"it's weird seeing you in the light, and not drunk"
"ha ha" i retorted sarcastically
"how have you been?" i enquire
"yeah yeah good" he said sitting next to me
"just working on some band shit you know, did i mention i'm in a band?"
"you did not!"
"well .. do i have a story for you grace"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now