i dont know

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as soon as we got into the apartment george insisted we order food i was starving so i agreed
"right," he said walking back into the living room.
"pizza or pizza"
"hmmm, hard choice ... pizza?" i giggled as he threw the pamphlet at my head
"pizza it is!" he chuckled sitting beside me to flick through the menu
30 minutes later we had decided on what we were having and george had ordered it. hed just jumped into the shower before our food arrived.

sighing i decided it was probably time to retrieve my phone since for the past 2 hours it had been sat in a mattys range rover. i walked out of the apartment and past leon "hey" i smiled at the doorman "heya grace" , he was sweet, i really liked leon. i went into the carpark and unlocked his car i dived into the backseat and reached for my smashed iphone. sighing i turned it on to receive a flood of messages and calls. i ignored most of them, a handful from carly, some from ross and a few from adam. i searched and found mattys name.

1 new message from matty

matty: im sorry

i didn't know whether to cry, one single message, two simple words. was that all? George had flown out to see me when he should be resting for the Spanish leg of the tour whereas my boyfriend couldn't even ring me to make sure i was okay. i felt like crying until i remembered then george would be worried, i didn't want to worry him, he had enough going on without the added stress of me going off the deepend. i wiped my misty eyes and went back to the apartment

"you okay?" george asked walking out of the bathroom with a towel tied around his waist showing off his toned stomach and messy wet hair. i nodded, i didn't want him to ask anymore because i didn't want to cry anymore. with perfect timing, the doorbell rang "foods here!" i said stating the obvious and grinning at george

we settled with the pizza on the sofa, i sat cross legged in yoga pants and a tank top, george in grey sweats

"you got your iphone then?" , i nodded still chewing my pizza
"any words from you know who?" he asked
"he um ... said he was sorry, thats all" , georges face clouded and he looked angry, it passed quickly and he turned to sympathetic
"hes an idiot"
"yes he is" i agreed. i finally let my anxieties spill
"will he leave me?" i asked george, he met my eyes and replied
"I really don't think so, he loved you. he and gabby have a ... history. theres a lot of love there. its just not the love you two have. and you know about his mum. just ... give him time"
, i nodded taking in all his words. he knew matty the best and i truly trusted him when he told me the next set of words
"you and matty just have that thing you know? the thing that you will always find one another again. im not worried for you two. i know it will work out", i smiled at him feeling better than ever.
i ate the rest of my pizza in pure bliss with the thought we would be okay.

later once we had both got into bed i turned and looked through my phone, i went to the call app and pressed mattys name, inches away from my finger nearly touched the screen. i justed wanted to call him and cry, tell him i was worried he loved gabby and not me, tell him i loved him so so much. instead, i switched my phone off and settled into bed.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now