paris seems nice

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a month later- june

PARIS?" gemma squealed

"yes!" i replied

"he surprised me with it last night" i said blushing

"good i'm glad you get to go back" she said

gemma had come to stay with us for a day before she set back off on her travels.
we hadn't seen her in months so i was glad that my best friend was back

"it's my birthday present he never gave me, he was waiting all this time and-" i couldn't speak because i was swallowed whole with emotion

"when do you leave?" she asked


"oh my god!" she said squeezing me tight

"i wish you were staying longer though" i confessed

"baby stop, you are going to PARIS, your dream place"

i smiled at her, how could a person be so pure?

"i love you, seriously but i need you to help me pack"

"of course!" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs.

matty had surprised me with a two day trip to paris, this was my surprise birthday present and i can definitely say even though i HATE surprises this is amazing. i couldn't believe it when he told me, i thought he was joking at first but then he showered me the tickets and we'll ... that's why we are here now.

rose is staying with my mum and dad and in under 12 hours we will be jetting off to paris. i couldn't wait, he always promised we'd go back and now we're. we were older and more mature and god i couldn't wait to be in paris with him.

"what do you want to take?" gemma asked getting my hard shell white suitcase from behind the wardrobe

"uhm, lots of dresses and some cute skirts oooo and some bardot tops"

"you're going for two days babe i-"

"gemma it's PARIS" i said dramatically falling onto the bed, she laughed at me and covered her face

"i hate you"

"i know" i laughed

"where is matty?" she asks

"uhhh at my dads! he said he needed to ask his advice for something"

"ohhhh" gemma said, i pulled a face wondering what she meant

she smiled at me before chucking my nude heels in and i couldn't pinpoint the look in her eye, it was something i hadnt seen in her eyes before. she looked so sad and hurt but hopeful at the same time, i wanted to ask her what she was thinking but i didn't.

so yeah this was life now, a lot had happened in the past month, rose had started talking a lot more and growing at an incredible rate, work had been long and boring. i hated going because i missed rose and matty so much but i also loved and enjoyed my job. it was conflicting and i hated it.
me and caroline has gone for several meals out and shopping trips together, she was telling me about her and george and the dates he took her on. i never thought i'd like george's new girlfriend because she'd be a replacement for lia but i loved caroline because she never tried to replace lia, she always asked about her and wanted to hear stories. she wasn't trying to erase the fact she was here first, she embraced that.
gemma was still travelling, her and harrison seemed happy, i hadn't seen her in months because she didn't like coming back. i guess london still holds bad memories for her. but we facetime all the time and we text when she has service so it's kind of okay. i miss my best friend though.

"me and harrison are thinking about selling books" she said as she was folding my clothes into my case

"wait how will that work if you're travelling?"i asked

"like we will buy the books on the go, read them, love them and then sell them"

i knew gemma loved books, even more than me, her face seemed tired but the smile she was showing made me want to cry.

"i love that idea gem"

"do you mean it?" she asks biting her nails

i stand up and hug her

"you two are massive book worms so it's perfect for you both, honest"

"thankyou for always believing in me, even when i sound a little crazy" she says looking at her feet

"it's not crazy, it's a really good idea, i mean it" i said sincerely

i meant it, this would be perfect for both of them, they read so much and i knew the books were getting too expensive to lug from place to place, selling them to people who would love them just as much really did seem the best idea.

"these?" she asked holding up a black denim skirt and yellow bandeau


i let myself think about paris, how beautiful it was going to be. i had no idea what he had planned, if he had anything planned, i just knew hat it was going to be amazing and everything. the outfits i had packed were definitely paris worthy, i had s couple of dresses with tulips sleeves and a bodice type fitting, they were going to look beautiful.

"paris is beautiful this time of year" gemma said, it was as if she could read my mind

"i'm so excited! the last time we were there ... well we weren't there as US you know?" i didn't let myself linger too long on the past because it was just that, the past. we were older and better now so i had no need to think about it

she nodded, of course she knew exactly what i meant

"but this time it's different, it's ... i don't know how to explain it but it's us going"

"i get you and matty has-"

"matty has what?" i asked with wide eyes, she went red

"i just mean matty um he has ... you know stuff planned ... uh top secret activities that i cant tell"

"gem?" i questioned

"trust me"

i looked at her while she tried to stifle a smile, what on earth was going on?

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now