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30th may TOUR STARTS!

"iF yOU WANNA FIND LOVE THEN YOU KNOW WHERE THE CITY ISSSSSSSSSSS" i heard bellowing from the room next door. not the actual version, that would be too nice. no this was george, screaming the lyrics at 5am
"FUCK OFF" matty yelled through the walls. george came in with a smug smile
"did i wake you" he smirked
"no georgie it was wonderful" i said sarcastically. matty grabbed the pillow and threw it at george while sparking up a cigarette and walking to the balcony. he didn't smoke near me anymore. it was little things.

"you ready kid?" george asked jumping where matty was as sat
"so ready george! it's the first day of the rest of our lives!" i gushed.
it was only a month trip, a month and we would be home. i couldn't drink nor smoke but i didn't need to. i had my boys.
i did not however have carly. she couldn't come due to work. i was gutted but she promised to fly out for lollapalooza so i wasn't too worried. two weeks and i'd see her. i also knew she was dropping adam off so i had a chance to say goodbye.

"i'm gon shower" matty said walking back in off the balcony with only his grey joggers in. i stared at his we are kings tattoos and smiled
"you're really beautiful you know?" i told him, he smirked and ran to the bed picking me up bridal style and spinning
"MATTY!" i shrieked
"hahahah" george laughed
"GGEORGE HELPPPP" i yelled. matty put me down and smirked one last time before heading to the shower. i snuggled back under the covers. man i loved that boy.

15 minutes late george had gone. to his own bathroom and matty walked out with just a towel round his waist
"wow" i smirked
"like what you see?"
"i do healy, i do"
"you gonna shower?" he asked, i bit my lip
"join me?" i asked with big eyes
"of course" he replied not skipping a beat. i giggled as he handed me his hand.

15 minutes later we were ready. my hair hung wet down my back. i had mattys grey champion hoodie on with a black denim skirt and high top black converse. matty had skinny black jeans, obviously, and a white jumper. george opted for the comfier version of just joggers and white t-shirt.

"the others will be here soon" i said staring round at the apartment
"you okay baby?" matty asked, i nodded
"it's just weird ... i'm excited to go, just saying goodbye to the apartment"
"we will be back in a month" george added
"i know! it's just ... strange" , both my boys pulled me into the sofa into a massive group hug.
"we are going to have the best time" matty confirmed, all my fears left instantly when i looked in his brown eyes. i loved and trusted him. it was going to be perfect


"is everyone ready?" jamie asked clapping his hands. adam and carly were crying and holding eachother. i hugged matty
"what's that for?"  he asked
"i'm glad i don't have to stay behind" i admitted
"i'm glad you don't have to either" he said squeezing me closer.

i walked over to carly who had mascara down her face,
"carls" i said pulling her in
"i'm i'm i'm gonna m-m-miss him so-so-so much" she sobbed
"one month carly, then we are home. 2 weeks then you see him again" i comforted her. she nodded wiping her eyes
"you're r-right"
"love you"
"love you grace and call me yeah?"
"of course" i promised her. she was the only girl i reall had in my life, i wasn't going to let her go that easily.

her and adam hugged one last time before jamie announced
"okay is everyone ready NOW?"
we had all our bags and mattys therapist on tap whether we went, we loaded onto the bus ready to travel to the airport then to the hotel.

"wait shit i forgot something!" i said running back into the flat. under the bed my notebook sat.
"you got everything?" matty asked me. i nodded. i took one last look around the room, mattys room.
"imma miss this place" i told him
"we will be back soon" he reassured me.
"is everything okay?" i asked matty
"do you know what grace? for the first time in a long time everything's fucking perfect" , i smiled at him. he seemed lighter, much healthier. we had a baby on the way and a tour to attend

"i'm ready" i said, he grabbed my hand and we walked down the stairs, saying goodbye to leon and out the door.
adam, ross and george were already on the bus waiting, matty went up first and offered me his hand
"let's go!" he grinned

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now