revisiting places we loved

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later that night i got an incoming call

i slid the button to answer

"how did the meeting go?" i asked straight away
"super well grace! it went so fucking well"
i beamed down the phone
"i am so proud"
"where are you?"
"at home?" i asked almost unsure of the question
"i hope you would say that. meet me by the wall?"
"of course, give me five" and with that i ended the call, slipped out of bed to pull my nike air force on and mattys black hoodie from earlier. i slowly opened my door, cautious of the fact it was eleven o'clock. slowly creeping down the stairs and out of the door.
i saw him lent against the wall, cigarette in his mouth. he smiled when he saw me
"is that my hoodie?" i blushed
"yeah i hope you wouldn't mind ... sorry"
"don't be sorry" i smiled. i felt so at ease
"the meeting went well. we sorted it a set list and everything"
"i'm so so proud matty" we stayed there for a while, lingering on what we were just over a year ago. how we fell in love and broke.
"grace? i have to say something and i know it might be early but um i love you, i really fucking love you" i felt like a weight had been lifted, i'd been so scared to tell him
"i love you, and i didn't know how to tell you because i didn't want to scare you" i looked into his eyes and saw mist. he slowly moved closer, kissing me passionately, slowly.
"i love you" he breathed into my lips, i felt like i was flying. he pulled away.
"i should go"
"you can stay if you want?"
"i don't want to upset your parents like that" i knew he was right but i didn't want to be alone. he must have seen this written in my face.
"hey, i'll be back tomorrow and we will do something. i have it planned okay?" i smiled
"okay matty, i love you"
"and i you" with that i hugged him tightly one last time
"ring me when you get home so i know you're safe" i said biting my lip.
"of course" he walked me to my door, kissing me softly one last time before walking back to his car. i waited until he left to break. i couldn't be without him anymore. i cried slowly at first but then the tears that weren't mine came. tears for lia. i went back to my room shutting the door and i called george

*call to george*

"hey kid"
"hey georgie"
"you okay?"
"i'm fine george are you?"
"firstly i know you're not, secondly i'm as good as i can be"
"i miss her george and i'm tired of being worried every time some one i love gets in a car"
"i know and i cant say it will get easier ... maybe ever. but we will both learn to live with the pain"
"i sometimes wish it was me george"
"gracey don't you ever say that"
"she was better than me"
"the way i see it grace, you have a life. she doesn't. you have to live for you, you have to live because she would want you to" i knew he was right.
"thankyou for always being here george"
"of course, i told you i had you"
"and i have you, always"
"i love you, get some sleep"
"i love you george, see you soon"

*incoming call from matty*

"i'm home safe baby"
"thankyou for calling me"
"of course, but get some sleep. i have big plans for tomorrow"
"should i be scared?"
"shutup gracie i CAN be cute"
"get some sleep"
"love you matty"
"love you grace"

and with that i placed my phone in charge and shut my eyes. content with everything. i drifted off to sleep.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now