soul within

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"right get some rest, change and shower and be back in the lobby for 6pm and i MEAN that" jamie bellowed at us as soon as we arrived in the hotel from their rehearsal. me and matty headed upstairs in the lift back to our room. george and ross followed, adam had gone to his room to call carly. he wasn't doing too well without her.

as soon as we pulled into mine and mattys room george went straight for the balcony sparking up a cigarette
"you should quit" i commented, with the cigarette between his teeth he said
"piss of kid" , i pushed his shoulder lightly, taking deep breathes
"it's so beautiful here isn't it georgie?" , he looked at me like i was mad
"it's beautiful" he agreed after staring at me like i was crazy, i giggled
"sorry i just .. love this place"
"i can tell" he nodded stubbing out his cigarette as we headed back inside

"i know mate i'm worried" matty said to ross as we walked back in
"is everything okay?"
"we are just worried about adam" matty told me
"he really misses carly" ross added
"i feel so bad for him" i agreed and george nodded with me. my heart aches for adam, he just had to get through the next week, then it would be lolla in madrid and she would be back with us. where she belonged.

"should we order food?" matty asked. everyone seemed tense and i knew he was trying to soften it. we ordered room service as nobody wanted to leave the vicinity of our safe space. we ordered adam food for when he came in. he shouldn't be alone.
"i'm gonna go check on him before the food comes" i told the boys, they all nodded.

i knocked at adams door and he answered red eyed,
"hey grace" he sniffled
"come eat, you shouldn't be alone" i told him
"i'm no hungry" he mumbled
"you have a sold out show tonight adam and i know it's hard but you will see her soon" i said pulling him into a hug
"thankyou grace" he whispered into my hair
"it's okay, you're okay" i told him

half four

we all started to get ready once we had eaten, i pulled black ripped jeans out of the closet alongside a sheer black top, i put a black bralette underneath it with my doc martins and mattys leather jacket. i looked the part of mattys girlfriend. for my makeup i just filled my brows in and light bb cream. i was ready

i walked into the room to see the boys already ready, matty in skinny black jeans a white t-shirt, george the same. adam in checkered pants and black shirt and ross with black jeans and black shirt.
"you all look so good" i gushed. this was my first of their big shows, it wasn't their first they'd toured twice before but i couldn't help but feel excited.
"let's go babies" i clapped my hands as they all jumped up and screamed
"LETS FUCKING GO" george yelled
"THIS IS OUR LIFE MATE" matty added
we all piled into the elevator high on life and the fact they'd made it. jamie's face lit up when he saw us
"let's go and have ourselves a great show" he said rubbing his hands together

6pm 30 minutes before the boys go on

i had yet to meet their support act, the japanese house but i was excited, amber was the singer and i needed another girl in my life. everyone sat in silence, the quietest i'd ever seen them
"you're all quiet this is strange"
"it's just weird being back, a good weird but weird" matty told me. i hugged him
"is this your first time sober performing?" i asked, he nodded
"you're strong baby and you got this" i told him, i was so proud of him right now. he hugged me back, his arms wrapped around my body keeping me safe
"i love you"

before i knew where we were half an hour had flown and the boys intro started up as the walked on stage, matty pulled me into a kiss before he went
"GOODLUCK" i yelled towords my four box boys, i couldn't be prouder.

they performed their classics, the city, chocolate and girls, the stage lit up with coloured lights flooding the place. black and white beamed off the walls and the tears came fast, they were so big

when they started robbers i screamed the lyrics, and when matty directed the song to me back stage i cried. how couldn't i. after the show had finished he ran backstage sweeping me up in a hug and kissing me repeatedly
"i love you i love you" he told me spinning me round
"aaaaa put me down you idiot" i laughed at him, kissing him straight back.
george took pictures as the event unfolded, i made a mental note to ask for them
"i'm so fucking proud" i beamed at them, they all gushed, adam hugged me, ross ruffled my hair and i pouted angrily at him
"piss off" , he laughed.

jamie came up behind us
"we should leave guys you have another show tomorrow"
"good" adam said
"yeah" ross added
"we fest to do it all again" george said
"the life boys the fuckin life" matty told everyone. we piled into yet another taxi, everyone passing out on one another, our laughter and love could have filled the city of paris. we sped towards the hotel and all said our goodbyes once we went our separate ways.

me and matty jumped into bed alongside each other and turned to face on another in the dark
"i'm so proud" i whispered
"i love you thankyou for being here"
"healy, what you did tonight, i can only imagine how much that means to your fans, it meant so much to me" i gushed all at once. he stroked my face, brushing my hair away. his fingers traced my jaw. my eyes met his and even in the dark i felt at ease
"goodnight gracey"
"goodnight matty"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now