home coming

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matty has been away on holiday for four days now and it's safe to say i've missed him SO MUCH, the house has been so quiet without him here.

gemma stayed over with me so i wasn't by myself but i could tell she was missing harrison and wants to travel and again.

over the four days not a lot happened

day one


"are you sure you're gonna be okay?" matty asked as he pulled the handle out of his suitcase

"matty" i groaned


"no, me and rose are gonna be fine and you'll be back in four days, please go and please enjoy it"

he smiled at me and i took him in, he looked so happy and beautiful in this light.

"i love you" he said reaching for my hand

"i love you" i said taking his hand in mine

we walked downstairs to where the boys were waiting in a taxi for him, george was up front and ross and adam in the back.

we opened the door and matty stood in the doorway

"okay, gemma will be round soon and if any thing goes wrong call me or your mum or kian or-"

"matty" i said calmly

"i know i'm just, i haven't been away from rose yet"

"it's gonna be okay" i said, he nodded at me and smiled

"see ya soon"

he pulled me into a kiss, his cool lips on my warm ones, his hands found both sides of my face. he pulled away and i blinked st him with big eyes

"see you soon"

he got into the taxi and waved as the pulled away, i swear the house doubled in size by the time he had left.

rose was probably still asleep so i didn't know what to do with myself. i could watch tv but i hadn't really done that since rose had been born so i wouldn't really know where to start.

gemma was coming at 7 and rose would probably wake up at 6 so i just had to preoccupy myself until then.

i eventually decided to make myself some breakfast, i walked through to the kitchen, the wood cool on my feet. i ran my fingers over the white, clean surfaces . the kitchen was sparkly because matty had cleaned it all before leaving. i got out a white bowl and some strawberries from the fridge. i cut them a in half with a small knife before placing the top halves of the strawberries in the bin and the knife in the sink.

it was april and kinda warm now so i decided i would open the sliding glass doors and sit on one of the chairs outside. it was still mostly dark but the light was beginning to come through. it was nice. it was just warm enough to be sat out in only silk white shorts and matching camisole top.

once i'd finished my strawberries it was nearly 6am so i decided to see if rose was awake. i shut and locked the glass door and placed everything in the sink to wash up later. i climbed the wooden stairs to roses room to see she was just stirring.

this was going to be a long day.

gemma arrived at 7 bringing sunshine back into the house

"how ya holding up?" she asked

"i'm better now you're here"

"glad i came now" she laughed

"i'm glad you came"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now