coffee shops and salty tears

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"no way"
"yes way, believe it" he said back
"so let me get this straight" he nodded back at me
"there's you, adam, george and ross"
"and it's called what?"
"we um, we are deciding a name still"
"what's it between then?" i said while sipping my drink
"drive like i do, bigsleep and um the 1975"
"the 1975?"
"yeah i know it's kinda dumb but"
"no! i really love it" i said with a reassuring nod
he smiled before taking my drink from my cold hands and taking a sip.
"ew is that straight black coffee?"
"yep!" i replied giggling at his disgust
"that is disgusting"
i couldn't stop smiling at him, the way he pulled faces when i drank the coffee and asked how i could do it. the way he crumpled his nose in disgust when i told him black coffee was simply just better than tea. everything he did i made a mental note of.
"so where do you actually live?" i asked
"um like up the street from you" he said blushing a little
"near the little shop?"
"yeah that's the one"
"cool cool" i replied
"excuse me you guys" the barista spoke
"but we are closing so i'm gonna have to ask you to leave"
"oh my god i'm sorry" i laughed
"lost track of time mate you know how it is" matty said, smiling at the barista
"no problem have a good night!" he told me and matty as we gathered our bags and his guitar.

"bus or taxi?" he asked with our cold hands shoved deep into our pockets
"i want to say taxi but i'm broke so ... bus?"
"bus it is"
"what do you do then? college? school? work?"
"college, i'm um taking business"
"business? doesn't seem like you"
"it's not matty, it's not. but i don't know what i want and business seemed safe"
"don't settle for safe" he said as the bus game towards us
"get out there, you said you liked writing, so write"
"it's not that simple" i sad as we handed the driver our tickets
"it just isn't"
"yeah but why grace"
"it just isn't matty, not everyone has your courage"
"who said i had courage?"
i sighed completely defeated by the boy with the messy hair and battered guitar case
"okay! you win, i just ... i'm scared i guess"
he looked at me with saddened eyes and a crumpet brow
"don't be, dont ever be scared"
i half smiled at his words, they were beautiful but at the same time extremely generic for a good looking boy.
we spent the rest of the journey talking about trivial things like our parents and how we both attended college. matty obviously took music and was excelling despite his terrible attendance.
"this is my stop" i said as i got up to ring the bell
"i'll get off too, take you home"
my eyes lit up and i'd never felt more at home with a person
"you don't have to" even though i desperately wanted him to
"no i don't" my heart fell
"but i want to"
he said leaning over me to ring the bell a second time causing a tut from the bus driver. once again i inhaled cigarettes and aftershave off his body and soft leather jacket. he smiled at me while brushing through his tangled hair
"thankyou" we both chorused to the bus driver as we stepped off the bus to be greeted by the cold, brash February air. suddenly matty turned to face me, inches away before whispering
"let's go"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now