single rose

334 8 0

25th of june

we spent the night curled up in bed watching old movies, it was nice, when i woke mattys eyes were still pressed shut and his mouth formed a smile. my finger traced his jaw, and trained down to his chest tattoo where his grandmother sit.
i smiled at him sleeping, his arm still underneath my and legs tangled with mine. the air was getting warm but i didn't want to leave him this way, it was perfect.

"mm" matty stirred finally
"morning" he added
"afternoon" i corrected him leaning over to kiss him
"what was the for?" he smirked
"because i love you is all you idiot" , his face lit up and his arms tightened around my waist, i didn't want to be anywhere else in the world.
"what's happening today then?" i finally asked breaking the comfortable silence
"um, i have to meet george and go over some shit, but that's it really"
"maybe we could go for a meal later?" i asked, he smiled again
"anything you want darling"

an hour later we were both dressed and stood at the door, me in a floral patterned summer dress, the colour was red printed with tiny little flowers paired with my high top white converse, matty dressed in black jeans and a distressed band top with vans. his hair was tousled and sunglasses rested on top of his mop
"meet back here for 6?" he proposed before kissing my forehead
"seeya then" i sweetly said feeling the ache as soon as we parted.

as soon as i stepped outside the hotel the heat hit my face and i cursed uber my breath wishing i'd brought more sunscreen when a familiar face came into sight
"hey!" ross called
"rossy!" i answered pulling him into a hug
"i saw you yesterday but it feels like forever!" declared
"what you doing now?" he asked, he looked good, healthy
"going into town, you?"
"nothing nothing, adams with carly and well you know the terrible two are together and denise and gabby are probably brewing a potion" he mumbled the last bit and i laughed
"wanna come with me?" i asked, his grin lit up his face
"thought you'd never ask"

"shutup!" i laughed shoving ross off the pavement. we were in the old town were a market was taking place. i wanted to get a hat but ross had called me a cowgirl and shattered the cool illusion
"yeehaw" he continued to tease
"i thought george was the annoying one not you" i scolded, he pressed his hand to his chest and mocked hurt
"you're words gracey, oh they hurt" , i giggled, being friends with ross was easy, he never made anything difficult
"back for six you said yeah?" he asked in a serious tone of voice
"mmh" i answered looking at a stall which sold notebooks, gorgeous faux leather bound books, my mind wondered to matty. i also wanted one for myself. i walked closer and began to dance my fingers along their binding, the man who ran the stall smiled at me as i returned the gesture.
i picked up a black faux leather book for matty and a cream one for myself. the detail on the others was much more intricate but i liked the simpleness of these two.

"we should hail a taxi if you wanna get back" ross told me
"lets then cowboy" i laughed in his face, he twisted into a fake scowl, unable to hold it for more than 3 seconds
"i cant even fake angry around you gracey i really hope you see this curse!" he laughed pushing my arm lightly
"you all love me really rossy" i lightly laughed
"oh we do, where would we be without you?" he asked rhetorically
"has it really been so long since we've known each other?" i said thinking out loud, ross nodded
"we were so young when george broke that drum and we had to run through college" he said sharing the same thought that were in my mind
"and the sandwich shop at lunch" i added
"and lia and george going our together the first night they met" his eyes met mine scared they'd said something wrong
"i'm i'm sorry i shouldn't have" , i waved my hands
"it's okay ... i like talking about her. and yes, i still cannot believe that happened, those two were meant for each other"
"george really loved her you know!" ross told me
"i think he loved her nearly as much as me, and they only knew one another for a small amount of time" i said truly letting my inner thought fly free, ross nodded
"i agree with you, i really do"

30 minutes later we were back at the hotel
"have a good night kiddo" ross told me before going back to his room and shutting the door. i smiled before walking into mine and mattys room.
i had no idea where he was taking me so what to wear was going to be challenging. i decided to shower first just so the day had been washed away.
as soon as i stepped out of the steamy shower my hands danced along the wardrobe we were both sharing. i decided on a black body con dress with lace at the bottom of my mid thigh, just before the dress stopped. i knew the baby bump would begin to show soon so i wanted to wear the clothes i wouldn't feel comfortable in.

i put my converse high tops back on and went outside to see matty waiting with a single ross in his hand.
the red rose was in his fingers as he twirled it round and round until he saw me.
his grin took over his whole face and his hand outstretched for me to take.
"wow" he breathed as he handed rooked the flower beneath my ear, i looked in his eyes and saw the ocean. for the first time ever he looked truly happy and okay. i saw our future in the glint of his eyes
"i love you" i confessed, he bent down and kissed me for a perfect amount of time
"i love you" he replied

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now