perfect ending?

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29th of may - 1 day tour starts!


i haven't slept. how could i tell matty without him hating me. at the same time he wasn't really like that. i had no clue. carly had told me not to worry because matty would stick by me whatever, i knew this was true. but what if he did hate me. what if he stuck by me now and hated me in the future.
i just knew i needed to leave. i snuck out of mine and mattys bed and went into the kitchen. i leaned against the fridge pouring myself a glass of water.
i heard bare footsteps walk in, i turned around to see matty
"what's wrong?" he asked worry written all over his face. i tried to speak but as soon as i opened my mouth the room started to spin and i felt like i was going to be sick. i pushed past him back into our en-suite in our room and threw myself over the toilet. crying and unable to breathe i closed the lid and sat on top
"grace what the fuck is happening?" he asked
once more holding both my hands in his
"y-y-you're going to hate me" , he shook his head
"i could never gracie" , i took a deep breathe
"matty this is going to ruin everything"
"nothing could ruin this"
it was at this point i remembered the letter i wrote him in greece
"can i read you something first?"
"of course?" he asked completely confused and unaware. i walked into our room to get my notepad
"um i wrote this after your relapse in greece and i didn't want to ever give it to you but ... i think i need to because this might be the end" i said wiping my eyes
"the end? grace this isn't funny what's going on"
"just, just listen" i said as i began to read

matty, i think you're the love of my life. actually i know you're the love of my life. and i know this purely because i'm terrified. i'm so so scared right now, george told me if i wanted to walk away it wasn't on me .. but matty it would be on me. i won't walk away, not now, not ever.
i love you so much it scares me. i put so much of myself into you because you are what i want. you are someone that makes the world a better place.
you're saving kids from themselves, you saved me from myself.
your music is beautiful and you should never give that up, infact one day i'll make you promise me that you won't.
in greece when you asked me if i knew we would end up like this when we met on the wall i said i didn't know. i lied. i didn't know, but god i fucking hoped we would.
i barely knew you and you changed my life at 3 am. i was so tired of living when you entered my life but you changed that, you changed me.
people told me to walk away but i think this is me telling you to walk away?

"i don't understand grace" he said tears, forming in his eyes
"i've messed up" i admitted
"grace i dont"
"i'm pregnant" there was nothing but silence for 20 seconds, i willed him to say something, anything
"matty?" i asked
"matty yell at me if you want just fucking say something" , finally i lost it
"matty i am so fucking sorry i" i couldn't finish before the years started to fall
"grace" he said quietly
"we are parents"
"what?" i breathed
"gracie you idiot, no the timing isn't great but you and me will work this out. you fucking idiot" he said pulling my onto his lap on the bathroom floor we were intertwined worth tears and love.
"does anyone else know?" he asked, i nodded my head
"just carly, i needed someone with me to do the test and ... well she's my only girl friend" i said giggling
"wait ... shit ... tests? have you drank since? when did you find out? do we need to book things?" he said completely spiralling and panicking. it was cute
"matty baby calm calm, i haven't drank for weeks now, i found out yesterday, we do need to book things but not yet. everything's okay and you are going to be the perfect dad" i said cupping his face and kissing him.
"god i fucking love you" he said
"matty if you don't want this" i said gesturing to the baby
"we don't have to, we have time but it's running out"
"i want to grace, but do you?" , i thought about it for a minute. i never thought i'd be nineteen and pregnant, but i also didn't expect lia to die or to be dating a musician. everything matty had brought me had led to love, of course i wanted this. how could i not
"i do matty i really fucking do want this!" , he wiped my eyes
"hey baby no crying, you and me, we are parents now"


we went back to bed for two hours, talkin about everything under the sun. he placed his hand on my stomach convinced he could feel the baby even bough my belly was still flat with no signs.
"should we tell the boys?" i asked matty, his smile was stretched throughout his whole face and his eyes lit up like i'd never seen them before.
"yes yes YES!" , i giggled at my beautiful boyfriend. the rockstar, the dad, my boyfriend. we ran into the room to see george, ross and adam already here
"did you forget our meeting?" adam asked
"no ... um yes .. but we have some big news" he said taking my hand
"we .. well grace is pregnant! we are having a baby" he said sobbing at the word
"mate congrats what the fuck!" george said standing up to hug him
"that's crazy i'm so happy for you!" cheered ross
"you're a dad matty" gleamed adam. the boys all took turns to hug me, carefully which was sweet.
"kid you ain't a kid no more" joked george. i wiped my eyes completely overcome with emotions and love for the boys around me.
"should we eat? do you need to eat grace?" matty fussed
"matty haha i'm fine babe, but we should tell jamie"
"okay let's lunch and tell him! that way you have eaten and i can relax"


we walked to jamie's house where we were having lunch. i was terrified. i blew off the meeting with him yesterday and did it over the phone but i was terrified he hated me
"boys!" he opened the door beaming
"gracie!" he said pulling me in too. he really loved the boys, and he seemingly liked me?
"we have some sandwiches from pret, but why are you guys here? not that i don't love you" he said laughing
"well let's come in and sit down first" matty said. adam and ross went and sat down at he table straight away, george went to get a glass of water
"what do you want gracie?" asked ross
"not tuna right because you can't have that i swear?" adam fussed
"i'm okay just whatever you guys don't want!"
matty appeared by my side once more and me, him and jamie went into the living room where we all sat down
"so" matty started
"so?" asked jamie. i could tell matty was nervous, he took my hand and place it in his.
"grace is pregnant" , i waited for the anger from jamie. i waited for the anger from everyone to be honest.
"matty!" he gushed slapping him on the back in a hug.
"oh and grace wow!" he said pulling me in for a light hug
"i'm so happy for you both!", mattys face gushed with pride and he turned to face me. i couldn't lie, i was so so excited for this baby, yes it was terrifying but it was with matty.
"earth to gracie" matty laughed
"sorry!" i said zoning out
"well the eu tour is only a month so you're good to go. it's just .. if there's a longer tour you ... you know we will cross that if we come to it" , this worried me. was jamie not telling me something?
"another tour?" i questioned matty
"we had been talking about it but nothing is serious" , i relaxed a bit and snuggled into him
"let's go eat!" jamie announced


later that night after our lunch with jamie and a whole day of gushing over old baby photos and the fact me and matty were having a baby we climbed into bed.
"grace?" he asked
"yes matty?"
"if it's a girl, i was thinking, lia would be a really good name"
"matty!" i cried out getting out of bed and jumping up and down
"what?!" he asked smiling like an idiot and laughing with me
"i'm happy you're happy" i said
"i'm happy you're happy" he replied
"we go away tomorrow"
"i know baby"
"i love you matty and thankyou for everything"
"i love YOU gracie"
i went to bed cocooned in mattys arms, i felt safe. i couldnt believe we were here, a couple months ago we were distant, i didn't see us colliding like this. tour was tomorrow, we had a baby on the way. i had the best people around me. i was content

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now