bringing out the dark

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two days after,april the 11th

*graces phone*

3 messages from matty

matty: we have a confirmed date for the tour! may 20th
matty: we pushed it back as far as we could do both you and lia would be eighteen
matty: HOWEVER i do know your birthday is may 20th so that means we will make it special promise

5 messages from lia

lia: oh bubs it's ur birthday
lia: don't worry packing alcohol now!
lia: ur gonna love it

1 messages from ross

ross: tour life and vegan life!

2 messages from adam

adam: tour announced! i'm too excited
adam: i'm so glad you're coming! and i promise i will teach you guitar

2 messages from kian

kian: i mentioned tour to mum and dad and they aren't the happiest but they can't stop u!
kian: take ur meds pls remember


i was later in bed reading the texts blowing up my phone. tour was real. tour was happening on my birthday. i didn't particularly care for my birthday so this was perfect. lia was turning eighteen in 10 days. we had ten days to plan the perfect party. we had just over a month to pack everything we would need for america. i had just over a month to get everything together and i honestly was so excited.

"grace mattys here!" kian yelled
"send him up"
"OPEN DOOR THEN" i sighed at my brother; i would always be a kid to him. matty came up the stairs chuckling
"door open" he said wagging his finger
"shutup you idiot" i said practically pouncing on him to kiss his beautifully pink lips.
"you look hot" i said, his pale skin was beautifully complemented by his black attire.
"i still have your leather jacket from all those months ago!"
"keep it babe, you look good in it" i smiled at him. my boyfriend who wasn't officially my boyfriend yet.
"we decided on a name" he said sitting on my bed
"the 1975, the one you liked the most"
"i love it! it suits you best!" he smiled at me with his beautiful smile.
we spent most of the day cuddled in my bed watching movies and talking about america
"okay okay, so we will be in hotels. very cheap ones. so don't expect too much. this is literally just to get our name out there"
"i'd go anywhere with you, idiot"
"we start recording our album when we get back, we have the initial idea and songs, they just need recording and perfecting"
"i'm beyond proud of you"
i really meant it, i would go anywhere with him. staying in shitty hotels with a giant, my best friend, the vegan, the boy teaching me guitar and matty, who i was falling in love with sounded perfect.
"also, i know i never officially asked and this isn't mega romantic or whatever, but will you be my girlfriend?"
"i wondered if you would ever ask"
"i didn't think i needed to, i just realised i never did"
"of course you idiot"
"i brought you something" he pulled out a beautiful necklace, silver chain with a locket. inside a picture of us at his birthday party.
"it's kinda cringy i guess? but i wanted you to have something"
"i love it" i whispered shaking. i really did.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now