beach day

484 13 3

21st of may - 9 days until tour

i woke to sun pouring on my face, i ended up sleeping in just my bralette and underwear last night because the heat was too much. i shrugged mattys floral print shirt on, buttoning up the first few buttons.

i saw him out on the balcony, cigarette in one hand. i looked for a while. i went to pick my polaroid camera up before i snapped a picture. i didn't want to disturb him just yet. i rooted through my bag to see what else the boys had packed. amongst clothes and shoes i found my book. the book i wrote about matty in. the book george handed to me at college. it felt like a sign. maybe it was time to share.

i went out onto the balcony with the book
"you look gorgeous" matty said pulling his sunglasses down, i giggled
"thankyou" i sat beside him
"i'm ready to read you what i wrote you" i confessed
"so am i" he said getting up and running inside. to get his own book. he sat beside me and asked
"who's going first?"
"you" i said, he chuckled. clearing his throat he began

" grace, that's the name of the girl i met last night.
there's something about her. she's filled with such sadness.
vodka mixed with dark hair and a tendency to sneak out at night.
i cant tell wether it's going to end in heartbreak or love
but something tells me whichever or whatever she entails
she's far from boring and far from safe"

"you wrote that the night we met?" i asked
"i love it"
"your go" he said smiling and sparking up another cigarette

" sat in an off brand coffee shop writing about a boy i met at 3am sounds straight out off a film
when i tell you he had the deepest eyes and the curliest hair you'd think it was a lie
perhaps if i mention the fact he's filled with sadness and puts on a front it would sound more real? i've known him less than twenty four hours but there's something ... something more about him"

he smiled inhaling his cigarette fully.
"why did you stop?" he asked
"when lia died i didn't see a point, she pushed me to write"
"she would want you to"
"i know" he stubbed his cigarette into the ash tray and sprang up offering me his hand
"beach day?" he asked. i smiled at him. my rockstar boyfriend.
"yes" i nodded. his face lit up and he walked back into the room.
he appeared minutes later dressed in white shorts and an open blouse. i love his insufferable fashion choices
"i like that blouse" he motioned at what i was wearing
"don't loose it!" he barked
"how could i loose it you idiot?" i giggled.
"go get dressed" he said ushering me into the bedroom and sitting on the bed while i walked to my bag
"i should hang this shit up" i thought out loud
"not right now" matty moaned
"no not right now!" i giggled. i shrugged on a bikini, some black ripped denim shirts and my nike air force. i then put mattys flora blouse back on for protection, grabbing my crossbody and black sunglasses
"ready" i told matty. smiling at me he said
"let's go baby" grabbing my hand and pulling me out of her house, down the stairs. he licked the door and twirled the key around his finger before shoving it into his pocket.

the beach was a five minute walk and as soon as our feet hit the sand i tore off my shoes and let my toes sink into the warm sand. it was only 10am here but the sun seemed to have already hit peak. i looked behind me to see matty taking photos if me. i covered my face and groaned
"nooo matty" i said shielding my face, he pulled my hands away from my face and continued to snap pictures
"you look gorgeous grace!" i beamed, i didn't feel it but the fact he thought so warmed me.
"shall we swim?" he asked
"yes!" i said tearing off my blouse, shoes and shorts. matty did the same. my biki was a soft blue with trim around the top.
"i love it!" he called tearing towards the sea
"WAIT UP!" i yelled running down the beach after him. as soon as i hit the water my body repelled and i screamed
"cmon babe" he said tugging my arm bringing my further into the sea despite my protests.

after 10 minutes it floating around and laying in my back i decided to dry off on the beach. laying on my stomach i fell asleep in the hot sun.
i awoke to some one rubbing my back
"mm?" i said still half asleep
"it's just me" replied a faint voice. matty.
"it's super hot gracey so i'm just putting sun cream on you" i couldn't help but giggle under my boyfriends hands. he was so sweet. i turned around to be greeted face to face with him, i kissed his beautiful lips slowly my hands stoking his face. after a few second we broke apart and i pulled out my phone for the first time in what seemed like forever to check my messages

*one message from kian*
kian: have a good hol x

*one message from ross*

*two messages from george*
george: hey bitch i miss u
george: look after my boy n have fun

*one message from adam*
adam: carly asked for ur number so i gave her it! love u have fun

*one new message from unknown number*
unknown: hey it's carly! have a good holiday babe and we will catch up soon xxx

i smiled at my phone tossing it back into my bag, i didn't need anything but matty. i turned to face him once again. he was laying on his back with his sunglasses now on his head. i smiled and took them off him
"they look better on me" i giggled putting them on my face. the shades were too big and instantly fell down. matty laughed at me
"god i love you"
"i love you" i mouthed

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now