the first nights

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"sh sh sh" i whispered to baby rose, she'd been crying for the past hour and i had no idea how to quiet her, gemma had tried, matty had tried and i was about to pass out

we'd had her home for two weeks now and it was easy at first but now i was growing tired and i hurt everywhere. matty and gemma were good helps but she was my baby and i felt it every time she cried.
however we were all perfecting a nack with her, you held her and just walked until she fell asleep, matty was best at it because his arms were the strongest, he'd him acoustic versions of all his songs to her while he did it. i guess if we were still together it would be wholesome. but we weren't.

"hey" matty said appearing beside me

"thought you were asleep" i mumbled. matty had been staying on our living room couch, he just wanted to be around her in the first few weeks. me and gemma both understood and hated this. we wouldn't stop him though.


"i nearly am"

"let me take her, you go get some sleep"

"mm are you .. are you sure?" i yawned

"of course" he said raking rose from me, i felt ito my bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow i fell fast asleep.

i woke up to the light shining through my curtains, i rubbed my eyes before sitting against my headboard to discover rose's cradle empty.
my first instinct was to panic, i knew realistically she would be with gemma or even matty but i couldn't help it.

i sprang from my bed and out of the door to find matty and rose in the living room, he was cradling her.

i stopped and breathed. she was okay and i had gotten a good nights sleep for the first time in what felt like forever. i felt so energetic and ready to deal with the world.

"morning" i said walking past him to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast

"she slept well, i just got her up"

"okay thanks" i nodded

"do you want me to take her or am i okay to start some more uni work?" i asked

"you start the course work, i night take her out in the pram?"

"yeah that's fine just make sure you wrap her up well"

i said taking my breakfast back to my room and opening my macbook and notepad to take notes form my professor who i was about to skype

an hour later i'd finished my lesson and now had all the notes and tasks set out for the next few weeks. it would keep me busy alongside being a full time mum so i was ready for the big task ahead

matty poked his head round the door

"hey i don't wanna interrupt but i'm gonna take her now"

"okay, see you soon"


i'd tackled some course work but i decided to have a break and check in on gemma. i know that she's been struggling a lot with matty being here as often as he is. he has a bnb close by but mainly just sleeps on our sofa.

"heya" i said entering gemma's room, she was sat on her bed with her ear phones in, she pulled them out once she saw me


"whatcha doin?" i asked

"looking online at cheap flights"

"where to?"

"i dunno just .. the world"

"you're gonna see it all one day gem"

she chuckled before replying

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now