i think we are gonna be okay

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26th of may - 4 days until tour- 1 days until grace and matty go home


once matty had sorted out the minor cuts and i had slipped into his hoodie and some soft white shorts we went back downstairs to george. matty held my hand the whole way, i didn't know what was wrong i just felt so uneasy.
"hey" george called from the patio table. me and matty pulled out two chairs and sat down
"so" matty started
"no mate first we are gonna talk" , matty nodded
"grace you wanna go or me first?"
"you i've kinda said most of mine"
"okay matty, we both love you so fucking much, but you're a joke. you took grace away for her birthday and she called me in tears needing me to fucking fly to greece"
"i know" matty answered completely defeated
"you don't fucking know mate because you did it" george angrily slammed the table
"matty i will walk away from this tour because i won't see you do this to your self" , mattys eyes went wide
"george no we've come too far for that"
"then get some help or i'm out of it" george said ending the conversation.
"do you have anything to add grace?" matty asked me
"i said my bit, you just ... you can't do this to us matty. everyone is so worried about you, and it's not your fault because it's an addiction but we need to get you help" , he nodded
"as soon as we get back to the uk, i call jamie see if we can get someone to travel with us to europe that way i can see them and still be on the road" , george smiled at this
"we don't want to see you hurt" george told him
"i know and i really am sorry" matty told us once more
"i think we should all sleep, it's been a long day" i finally spoke. everyone agreed and we went back into the villa, i hugged george goodnight and climbed the stairs with matty.

"grace?" matty said as we got into bed together
"are we okay?" , i turned to face him, his eyes were wet and his hair askew. i wiped his eyes and flattened his hair
"i think we will be" , his face lit up and i kissed his nose.
"i love you" he mumbled
"i love you"


i woke to the sound of music blasting through the villa. i checked my phone to see it was 10am. the fuck? i walked downstairs to see matty and george dancing around the kitchen to some 90s song
"morning boys!" i giggled interrupting their dance
"mornin babe" matty said kissing me slowly
"get a room" george laughed flinging a towel at us both
"why don't we get a room?" matty said cheekily to george fake kissing
"mmm go on then" george played along
"what's for breakfast boys?" i asked
"for you my dear fruit salad bevause you are a dedicated vegan and for us bacon" matty said acting like a waiter
"maybe i love you a lot?" i giggled
"maybe i definitely love you a lot back"

we went outside to the patio table and set our plates down
"what is the plan for today? last day in greece" george asked munching
"i've not thought about it, we could just chill out here?" i suggested
"we have plenty of time to do this again" matty reminded us
"chill day here then?" i asked
"yes!" the boys answered

an hour later we were all in our swimwear, george in white trunks, matty obviously in black, me in a black two piece bikini. george charged ahead ahead and dive bombed into the pool causing a massive eruption of water. me and matty were drenched.
"ooo hang on!" i said running up to our room and grabbing my lilo and polaroid. i ran back down the stairs again hit by the feeling of sickness, i slowed down for a minute and lent against the wall, it passed. but it was worrying. i walked back outside and blinked at matty
"yes?" he aske laughing, i handed him the deflated lilo
"because you love me please could you blow it up"
"only for you kid coz this ruins my reputation as a rock god"
"love ya" i replied snapping a polaroid
"OI WHAT ABOUT ME?" called the massive child from the pool, his hair looked a mess but his smile was so beautiful.
"of course" i said taking one of him too.
"come here" george motioned
"lemme put my camera down" i said walking to the deck chair where matty sit completely exasperated with the lilo
"you good?" i giggled, he held up his thumbs
"what did you want georgie?" i asked crouching beside the pool
"THIS!" he screamed grabbing my arms and pulling me head first into the pool
"AAA!" i yelled from beneath the water, as soon as i resurfaced i saw george laughing
"not funny" i pouted, this only egged him on. suddenly pink plastic flew over my head
"MY LILO MATTY" , he grinned at me from the side
"george help me on it" , he grabbed my waist and hoisted me onto the lilo, rocky waters to say the least. matty then proceeded to jump in causing yet another wave.
"MATTY!" i scolded
"yes?" he asked so innocently
"idiot" i mumbled

we spent most of the day in the pool, just floating and talking. mattys back ended up being very sunburnt, i couldn't help but laugh when i had to rub aloe vera on him.
"that hurts"
"baby" i giggled
"shutup" he said grabbing my arms and kissing my neck
"george is next door" i breathed
"i can be quiet"


"eating in tonight?" i asked
"yeah one last night in greece, night as well do it together" matty agreed
"why don't we go to the beach? eat there?" george suggested
"actually that sounds nice!" i nodded
"i have my moments" george triumphantly said, i pushed his chest lightly
"okay so we should start preparing food now if we wanna get here before complete dark" matty ushered us
"shall i pack our shit up?"
"i'm already packed" george said
"yeah me too"
"right i'll pack MY shit up then" i laughed

heading up the stairs and throwing everything except my pink bikini, clothes and underwear for tomorrow in the case.

i ran back down to see the boys all ready
"let's go!" matty said grabbing my hand.
"let's" i smiled

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now