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"hi everyone we are the 1975 from Manchester and yeah let's fucking go" matty called from the stage.
i saw jamie smiling in awe at them, i walked over
"you should be proud" i told him
"oh i am, they deserve this" he replied clearly emotional. denise and gabby stood at the front, in front of the barriers though not with the rest of the crowd, so it was nice to be able to breathe
"do you think they're nervous?" i asked jamie
"hell im nervous never mind them" he laughed
"how are your kids?" i questioned changing the subject, his face lit up, i knew he missed them
"so good! kitty's learning the guitar i'm so proud!" he gushed, my heart swelled.
my mind also wondered on the possibility of mine and mattys kid, i smiled even more thinking about that.
"i cant believe we only have a week of tour left!" i told jamie, he sighed
"i know! i'll be glad to get home though"
"me too" i laughed

"grace?" carly called appearing next to me, i smiled
"heya" i said pulling her into a light hug
"i'm sorry i've been distant it's just been weird with gabby and you and denise" she told me clearly feeling uncomfortable with the whole situation. i smiled, i didn't want to loose a friend over this as she was really the only girl friend i had
"it's okay, i understand you two have even friends longer and as a result of that are much closer" , she relaxed, i was glad i could help clear her mind
"it's just, gabby does love him and she's not a terrible person honest. i know she seems mean and scary but she just wants him back" carly told me
"but mattys with you and he's head over heals. he doesn't want gabby, you just have to remember she's the same age as you and she fell in love with him when she was 16, they have baggage" , i nodded, i almost felt bad for gabby. her and matty has been together so long, and now she just had to watch another girl with him. it can't be easy for her, perhaps i even understood her anger towards me. matty was such a special person and even the thought of losing him terrified me
"thanks carly" i told my favourite ginger

the boys struck up the chords for robbers and matty turned to face the crowd
"this is about a girl i loved when i was young, this is for you, it will always be for you"
i saw him peer backstage and smile at me, my heart melted and i felt younger. i remembered what we had been through to get here today, all the heart ache and pain we had endured. we deserved this moment to just live.
carly squeezed my arm and i was transported back to being 17 and outside my house in the cool air while he sung the lyrics to robbers to me.
a single tear ran down my face, carly and jamie appeared by my side and pulled me into a group hug, we all stood there completely over come with emotion for our boys
"he loves you" jamie told me, i nodded with tears in my eyes and my heart full of love
"i love him"

once the boys had finished they came running off stage pumped with adrenaline, i ran into mattys arms and tied my legs a round his waist
"you were amazing" i told him
"thankyou baby" he laughed placing me back on the floor and kissing me slowly his face was filled with pride.
and george stood with his drumsticks still in hand, i took them and pretended to play his arm as a drum
"oi" he complained taking them out of my hands
"i was playing the drums!" i pouted
"one day i'll teach you"
"i will hold you to the georgie" i told him.

adam and carly were already sat on the sofa completely absorbed in one another when denise and gabby cane bustling in
"matty!" denise gushed her face stretched out into a smile, i admired how much she supported him
"you were so good!" squealed gabby pulling him into a hug, matty looked at me and his eyes flashed with confusion, i smiled, i was okay with it now i knew why gabby disliked me so much. i also knew matty wouldn't cheat.
"thanks gabby"he said visibly awkward, he peeled gabby off him and walked closer to me shaking his arm round my waist
"anyone else you wanna see? or we could just go back to the hotel f you're tired?" he fussed, i giggled
"what's everyone else doing?" i asked
"staying"george said
"staying" adam and carly said, ross nodded in agreement and denise and gabby ignored me
"what do you wanna do?" i asked matty
"let's go back to the hotel you shouldn't be out in the heat for too long" he said kissing my forehead.

we said our goodbyes before making our way into the taxi that was ready and waiting for us. we did our seatbelts and his hand was still encased in mine, i loved the way the simple gesture made me feel.
"you were truly amazing" i told my rockstar boyfriend once in the back of the cab, he smiled at me and pulled me closer as we sped back to the hotel, the blue sky was fading into pink and purple ran through the clouds
"it's nice having you there i feel so much better" , my heart felt full and i couldn't help but grin at him and his cheesy face. i loved being ah his shows, the joy in his face while he performed was all i needed in life
"so" i started
"movie night?" he finished, i laughed at how he knew
"how did you know?" i asked, he looked at me before scratching his curls
"oh baby, oh gracey gracey gracey, i always know darling"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now