lying in the sun, lying

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pacing round my room biting my black shirt nails i felt sick. everything had just gotten good. eventually i sat down, trying to steady my breathing by re painting my nails but it didn't work as i was shaking.
"grace lia's here" yelled kian from the kitchen
i ran out from my room and down the stairs to see her, puffy eyed and makeup everywhere
"um see you later ki" i yelled whisking her out of the door.
"oh g-g-gracey i thought" she stumbled over her words
"t-t-they got signed" i sighed with relief
"oh is that it? i know!" she looked at me, eyelashes clumped
"y-y-y-you n-n-need to r-r-ring matt-t-t-t-y"
"lia i need you to breathe okay? deep breaths in and out" she followed my words, slumping against the wall outside my house.
i walked a few steps away before calling matty

"i'm sorry"
"what's going on?"
"i didn't tell you the whole truth. we got signed but ... we um we also got offered um a tour"
"what?" i said horsely
"yeah uh one month in america, to get our names out there"
"um i'm proud well done"
"lia's devastated"
"poor kids gonna miss georgie" i said
"look i should go ... thanks for telling me?"
"yeah bye"
the call cut short, short and cold. i felt isolated all at once. but i looked at my bestfriend, bags under her eyes and mascara everywhere. i knew i had to be the strong one right now.
"lia baby, lets go shopping" i said offering her my hand.

*shopping centre*

"grace? do you think he'll cheat?"
"no, not on you"
she let the question hang before i plucked the courage to ask
"why don't you go?" she chewed her lip thinking
"well he hasn't asked me i guess?"
"lia he would but you know what he's like"
"an idiot" she giggled
"yeah exactly now help em find the perfect present for matty"
"please" she said
"you already know don't you?"
giggling i replied
"yes of course i do!"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now