movings in the works

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"so what do you think?" matty asked

"I LOVE YOU" i said jumping into his lap and kissing him

matty had just asked me to move in with him, my lease in my house was coming to a close anyway as it was only temporary for work, i had no idea what i was going to do until he asked me to move in.
george was still living there but he was so good with rose that i was glad, i did wonder how he'd cope with her 4am crying but then again knowing him he'd sleep through it all like the biggest baby in the flat.

"it feels right i mean we are at a good stage"

"healy stop talking" i said with my knees either sit of him

"stop? oh" he said

"mmh" i giggled letting my hair down from the hair tie it had been in all day and letting him take my shirt over my head,

"grace?" he mumbled when we were half way to his bedroom before i shut the door

"yes?" i said not wanting to open my eyes because it was all perfect

"i love you"

"i love you"

3 hours later

me and matty had headed back to my house because i had to get ready for a night out with gemma and matty had to pick up rose to take to his as he was babysitting for the night.

i was excited, i was seeing my best friend who was sticking around for a couple of weeks, she had some modelling gigs in london, so i was hoping she would be here longer than she intended. the guy she was seeing, harrison, was planning on coming down soon so i was excited to meet him.
i'd be moving into matty and george's flat soon so i was really counting on her helping me with that. i had a lot of stuff to say i'd moved three times in such s short amount of time. but i knew it could all compact pretty easily as i had a habit of moving lately.

three hours later me and gemma were getting ready to go out for a meal. matty was babysitting for the night and me and gemma had a fancy restaurant booked.

"matty i've no idea what to wearrrrr" i moaned as he came into my room holding a black bag

"uh what's that?" i asked as he smirked and handed me the bag.

i looked inside to see white tissue paper and hidden beneath that what a halter black top, cigarette black trousers and a pair of stiletto heals. it was an outift i had pointed out months ago, i'd seen it on a model on instagram. i'd completely forgotten about it but clearly matty hadn't.

"matty" i breathed with tears in my eyes

"is it wrong?" he asked, i shook my head

"i don't deserve you" i cried into his shoulder

"you deserve more" he mumbled into my hair

1 hour later

"thankyou!" we said to the taxi driver as we climbed out and walked over to the restaurant doors.
it was an italian close to the london eye, super pricey but me and gemma had decided we needed a good girls night out. as much hurt and despite the fact i was a mum, we were still only 20 and 21 years old, we deserved a break sometimes and this was one of those times.

we walked through the doors to be greeted by a server who asked for our reservation

"it's under gemma"

gemma looked gorgeous tonight, she had black skin tight jeans on, they had a slight sheen to them when they moved in the light, and an off the shoulder black top, it had a slight wrap effect to it so it perfectly showed off her figure. her hair was tied in a low bun and some curls had escaped it leaving her with a messy but beautiful style.
i looked in awe at her, she was beautiful and free.

we were seated at our table and we ordered two glasses of wine

"what are you thinking about ordering?" gemma asked

"uhm probably tagliatelle, you?"

"i'm not too sure, i might go the same as you honestly" she said biting her fingernail

"you okay?" i asked picking up on her nervous habits

"mmh, yeah just feeling a little weird today"


"i dunno, just miss travelling a lot" she said

"you sure that's all?" i asked

she nodded and smiled, i trusted her enough to leave it at that despite i knew something else was up.

i still needed to tell her that matty had asked me to move in but it really didn't seem the right time as something was clearly going on with her. i bit my tongue and we ordered our food. while we were waiting for it to arrive i bit the bullet and asked again

"okay what's really up?" i asked

"i saw denise and gabby in town yesterday"

"oh" i said laughing

"oh?" she said surprised

"i know their basically best friends gem it's fine"

"i just didn't know if you did" she sighed with relief

"thankyou for telling me though, it means a lot really" i said smiling at her

after the meal

"okay okay, she is the cutest but i'd still rather have a dog" gemma giggled

"gem i-"

"shushuhuh" she slurred, the wine was getting to us now.

we were having a fake argument about who was cuter out of ross' new dog and rose. it was obviously rose but gemma wasn't giving in anytime soon

"rose is better than a dog i'm sorry that's the law" i laughed

"nope nope incorrect INFACT THIS IS UNFAIR BECAUSE SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER!" gemma yelled

everyone in the restaurant was staring at us but i didn't care, we were young and free tonight and we would laugh until we couldn't

"noooooo that's not true she just IS CUTER"

"gracey wacey no no"

"we should order the bill" i said laughing and clutching my sides

"oh we should shouldn't we"

"i'm so tired" i giggled

"honestly me too" gemma said

"call it a night at mattys?" i asked

"i thought you'd never ask"

"he has a bottle of red .. let's steal it" i whispered, gemma's eyes went wide as she nodded in agreement

since we had decided to call it a night and just go back to mattys and crash we needed a cab, thankfully gemma managed to find a number and we headed outside into the fresh air to wait

"gem?" i said as we waited outside for the taxi


"thankyou for coming home"

"i told you i would you idiot" she laughed while the cigarette she was holiday filled with ash, she flicked it onto the cool pavement and looked at me with her deep blue eyes, i don't know why i worried so much about her, she was strong

"i know but" i was cut short as the taxi pulled up and we climbed inside to head back to mattys flat, which was soon to be our flat, to sleep.

"but nothing, i'm always coming home to you" she said laying on my shoulder.

i text matty to tell him we were drunk and he needed to help us get out of the taxi, he sent back a quick

okay! love u and hope u had a goodnight, ill go down now just so i'm definitely there for u both, see u soon!x

i smiled before falling asleep on top of gemma's curls.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now