my girl

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after the first show everything ran like clockwork, the boys performed to be highest standard and jamie relaxed a little and let the boys relax. the first week they had performed four shows and were ready for a break. they didn't have any more shows before lolla so we had 6 days in france to do whatever we wanted, the freedom felt nice

9th of june, 7 days before lollapalooza

"mattyyyy" i asked my boyfriend while pouting
"yes gracie?" he asked chuckling
"i just thought, while we are still in paris, we could go for a meal?" , he got out of bed and walked to the bathroom
"anything for you" he nodded. i beamed at him, dressed in grey sweats and no top, his hair messy from morning sex and his eyes gleaming with happiness.
he went for a shower as i sighed rolling around in the massive bed with nothing on between the sheets.

eventually i got out and pulled on some grey skinny jeans, doc martins and an oversized champion jumper that i tucked into my jeans. finally i tied a belt around my waist and smiled. i was ready. matty appeared moments later dressed in black jeans jeans and a white knit jumper, paired with black old school vans. i smiled at him

"what?" he asked
"you're just .. perfect matty" , his smile turned up and he knew how much he meant to me
"i know kiddo" he joked as he threw his arms around me
"i love you" i told him
"and i you"

we walked hand in hand down to the lobby and out of the hotel doors. as soon as we were int the paris streets i turned and smiled at him, my hand flew to my stomach to protect our baby who was in there. he saw this and squeezed my hand
"it's okay, everything is okay" he assured me, i nodded as we walked into a cafe. i knew i had nothing to worry about, i knew it would be okay. but i still felt uneasy, it was early and sickness was prominent at this time.

it was only 11am. we sat down near a window, and ordered our food. just a panini and chips.
"thankyou matty" i told him
"for what?" he asked
"for this, for us being us"
the last few days had been perfect if watched them perform every night. i saw the crowd
"lolla is soon .. are you excited?" he asked, i nodded
"um YES! i get to see carly again, i've missed her" i gushed thinking of her
"adam will be so happy" he agreed
"after this we go to spain right?" i aksed
"yeah two weeks in spain, like 9 shows? and then lolla in madrid" , i smiled at his excitement, his face genuinely lit up now

3 am back at the hotel

mattys pov

i watched her as she slept again, i had a lot resting on my mind and decisions that would hurt us both. the way she slept was perfect, she had no idea how beautiful she was.

i started to wonder what the baby would be like, would he have my dark eyes? would he have my love for music? it would it be a little girl? would she want to play the guitar? would she want to dance? i realised i didn't care, as long as the baby were happy and healthy, we would do the best we could.

"hey" she stirred rubbing her eyes
"hey baby" i replied
"are you okay?" she asked clearly worried
"i'm fine .. just thinking" , she sat up in bed and crossed her legs
"what you thinking bout?" she asked, i laughed
"i do that a lot" she nodded
"yeah?" i asked her
"yeah" she said.

she sighed before falling into my chest, her eyes fluttered closed and she drifted back to sleep. i smiled at her, he hands curled around me, her head sat softly against my tattoo. her dark hair was everywhere, i brushed it out of her face so it couldn't get in her eyes. i then pulled the cover over us both while we drifted off into the land of sleep.
my girl

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now