paris in the rain

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as soon as we got into the room i slumped onto the queen size bed and shut my eyes
"oi grace look at this" matty said, i say up and rubbed my eyes.
he flung open the curtains revealing the view
"matty!" i squealed. straight across from our hotel was a direct view of the eiffel tower.
"oh matty i'm" i said unable to finish my sentence. i was ecstatic. he grinned at me
"i've gotta meet the boys for sound check but you stay here and sleep for a bit" he said kissing my forehead softly. i smiled. i loved him.

as soon as he had gone i wondered through the hotel room, i walked into the bathroom and sat by the fluffy towels. i peeled my clothes of and stepped into the shower. i lathered my hair with coconut shampoo and my body with lavender body wash.
when i stepped out i fished mattys black oversized t-shirt out of his back and slipped it over my head. next i got some red lacey underwear and fluffy socks. i dove into the massive bed and checked my phone.

family group chat
- kian, mum and dad

kian: did u land well?
mum: love you xx
dad: have a good time and send pics!!
kian: did u land ok???
grace: hey! i landed fine ki, love you all and i'm about to sleep but i'll facetime u all soon x

1 new message from carly
carly: have the best time babe and i will see u super super soon!!!!
grace: love u babes and miss u already

smiling i rested my head and the soft pillow and shut off the light.

i woke up to a light patter of rain, i opened my eyes and checked the clock 9pm. smiling i got out of bed and opened the curtains. it was raining. bouncing off the balcony. i checked my phone to see a missed call and voicemail from matty

voicemail from matty
matty: hey baby it's fuck it's raining well hard i'm .. jm still in the studio hiding from the rain but i should be back soon. i love you and make sure to eat

i giggled, i wished he were here to watch the rain with me. i put my phone in the night stand and opened the balcony door, the rain grew louder and the heat rushed in. it was perfect.

i stepped out one foot at a time, completely absorbed in the hot rain. laughing i opened my eyes and tightly gripped the railing staring at the eiffel tower. i ran back inside to grab my phone and snap pictures of the rain falling, i sent them to matty who instantly called me

"GET INSIDE IDIOT" matty screamed down the phone giggling i replied
"shutup it's so pretty matty everything is being washed away and the tower, matty it's gorgeous"
"gracey get inside, i'll be home soon, make sure you dry off well" he said laughing at my foolishness.
"love ya" i sang
"love you" he replied.

i took one last look at the rain falling from the sky before sighing and heading back inside. i took off mattys black shirt and my drenched underwear. replacing it with a black bralette and matching panties, grey yoga pants and a white tank top. i pulled on some more fluffy socks and tied my hair in a messy bun. i got back into the massive bed, placed my phone and charge and fell back asleep

"grace?" i heard my name called
"mmmm?" i asked still eyes closed
"i'm back" matty called. still with my eyes shut i found his t-shirt pulling him into bed beside me. he got under the covers, smoke lingering from his curls
"how was sound check?" i mumbled
"good baby, it was good" he said kissing my lips before pulling the cover over me tightly

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now