La fin part 2

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wedding day

waking up to an empty side of the bed is strange, matty left a couple hours earlier to get to george's flat so the boys could all get ready together.

i've got my mum, caroline, gemma, katie who i recently got into contact with due to mine and gemma's shop and ... denise ... coming round.

i'm a little apprehensive about denise but in the past few years she learnt to tolerate me a little more, she stills sees gabby a lot for brunch so ... well who knows.

i roll around in the sheets for a second, my mind and heart racing at the thought of marrying the love of my life.

then a smile spreads across my face as i hear little bare feet running up to my room, i close my eyes and pretend to be asleep while rose jumps on the bed, her hands find my face and she brings hers to mine

"mummy?" she whispers, i keep my eyes closed pretending to be asleep.

"hmpt" she sighs falling into bed with me. i leave it long enough for her to think i'm asleep before turning and tickling her

"AAAAA!" she squeals with a smile of delight

"m-m-muuuuummmm" she laughs out of breath

i smile at her, she definitely got her dads hair, her black to match her green eyes perfectly. she's quite tall for her age so she takes after me with that.

"mummmm?" she says her little fingers prodding my nose

"yes baby?" i laugh

"i'm excited for today" she says

"so am i"

"butttt" she says prolonging the word

"butttt?" i ask

"i'm scared i'll mess up" she confesses, her eyes don't quite meet mine

"what do you mean?" i ask a little confused, she sighs

"well ... what if i trip when taking the flowers down?"

"oh darling" i say pulling her into a hug while simultaneously moving pillows, i kiss her head

"you won't" i assure her, yes rose is the flower girl. it only seemed appropriate as she was one of the reasons we waited so long. i know it's not traditional or whatever but we wanted her there, she's such a big part of our lives and always will be so why shouldn't she be there?

gemma is my maid of honour and i couldn't be happier about it, caroline and katie are my bridesmaids. so i have three in total. i didn't want anymore as i only wanted the closest in my life.

they'll be arriving soon and i know i'm ready for them to be here, i'm nervous but not as much as i expected. i guess when you think about it as a kid it's an enormous deal and it's important. it still is ... but i know with or without today me and matty are forever, this just solidifies it in writing. not that we need it.

rose is sitting with her legs in the air staring at the ceiling, she's blissfully unaware of life st this very moment so i slip out of bed and into the shower while she stays.
turning on the faucet i let the warm water flood my body, i reach for my shampoo and body wash and i scrub last night off me, it's warm here so i feel like i sweated a lot and that's definitely not what i want! i catch a glimpse of myself in the metal of the shower head and i smile, i look so young and free. and i've never been either of those.
i turn the shower off and step onto the fluffy pink bath mat, i take the towel and wrap it around myself and then another round my hair. i walk out of the en-suite to see rose still on the bed

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now