are we living

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20th of may - 10 days until tour-  graces birthday


i opened my eyes to see the room a beautiful shade of golden. i rolled over to face matty. wow. he was so beautiful. his hair was askew all over his face. the curls falling in every direction and his freckles showing through his beautiful skin. the corners of his lips turned into a smile and he rubbed his eyes
"happy birthday" he sighed happily
"happy birthday" i sang joyfully. matty sat up straight and grinned
"want your first present?"
"first?" i tried to conceal my excitement. he smiled at me before running out of the room and coming back with a beautiful box. it was white with a satin bow placed strategically on top. the box was so big he had to hold it in both hands and half balance it on his knee
"um?" i started
"open it!" i took the bow off first, careful not to crumple it. inside the box was a new pair of doc martins in a beautiful deep green along with black skinny jeans and a gorgeous crotched tank top. underneath the new clothes was a satin tank top covered with lace and spaghetti straps. underneath that we're simpler things, a bra from pink, some underwear from victoria secrets in beautiful deep reds and purples.
"matty-" i couldn't finish before i welled up. he shrugged
"we are only getting started" i couldn't hold it in, i rushed over to him to hug him. before i could choke out anymore words george came bursting through the door
"happy birthday kid" he said handing me a smaller box. inside was a beautiful gold bracelet from tiffany's, encrusted with white stones and engraved with initials.
"george you shouldn't have, neither should you matty" i said faking cross. really i was on cloud nine.
"the boys will be here soon and we have a day of shit planned so get ready!" matty ordered swiftly. i pulled out the white lace cami and paired it with the new green doc martins and my new skinny jeans. i dragged a brush through my hair and put minimal makeup on. shrugging mattys leather jacket on i was ready.

"happy birthday" ross said arriving in our living room first. he handed me a small pink bag.
"i wasn't too sure, i hope it's okay?" he asked nervously. i reaches inside the bag to reveal a beautiful notebook, deep purple and bound with gold edging. inside on the first page was a note

happy birthday grace, i'm not too good at sentimental shit but i do love you. you've truly changed all our lives, for the better. and i promise one day i will teach you how to make vegan meals.

lots of love ross x

i smiled.
"ross that's- i love it i truly fucking love it" i said clinging my arms around my favourite vegan boy. he grinned back at me.
"i wasn't sure ... there were so many options and .." i stopped him before he could go any further
"it's beautiful" i assured him. it wasn't a lie, i truly did love it.
adam game bouncing in at 8:30 with a deep blue bag
"happy birthday gracey" i smiled
"thankyou adam, you okay?"
"i'm great gracey" i laughed. he was in love and it was so sweet to see. inside the bag were two boxes. in one was a yellow pic on a silver chain. my hands shook while i took it out
"adam .. is this the pic lia gave you?"
"it is, i love it but i know that .. i thought that you'd like it?"
"adam i- i cant tell you how much i love it" my eyes glossed over and i scolded myself. i promised myself i wouldn't cry, well, i was allowed one cry and i'd already used it. no tears. not on my nineteenth. in the other box was a golden box on a gold chain
"it's our first sample and we all thought you should have it kid" adam said showing his beautiful white teeth.
"guys you shouldn't have, youve spoiled me i love you all so so much. thankyou. seriously" i was so happy i felt i could fly. i had no idea what the boys had planned for the rest of the day and honestly i didn't care i was so fucking happy right now. everything was falling into place.
"earth to grace!" matty said waving his hand informs of my face. i was stuck in a day dream again.
"sorry" i giggled
"it's okay baby" he kissed me softly on my lips, carefully as to not smudge my lipstick. my hands flew up to his soft black curls. the boys were in the room but at this point i was too caught up i care. i loved them all so much. i didn't want to be anywhere but here right now

10 am

"time to go" matty called out onto the warm flat
"where?" i questioned. he tapped his nose.
"that is a surprise my dear"
"mattttyyy" i groaned. this did nothing but egg him on further. he wasn't going to let anything slip today and i admired that. he cared. me and matty went in his black rang rover and the boys went in george's silver bmw.

we pulled up outside a beautiful outside restaurant
"i was worried the weather would be bad but it's perfect" matty said scratching his head a little. i looked at my boyfriend. he looked good. he had checkered tailored trousers on with a fitted white shirt and his denim jacket. george pulled up not long after, he got out of the car wearing blue jeans and a white too, adam beside him in more or less the same but a black top and ross in black skinnies and a band slogan t-shirt
"my boys" they all smiled at me, matty took his sunglasses off and placed them on my hair
"let's go birthday girl" he said grabbing my hand

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now