house warming

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3 months later

my heels clicked on the laminate flooring as i went to retrieve the hors d'oeuvres from the fridge. having a house had really changed us as people to the point where we were having a house warming party.

obviously the boys, gemma and her boyfriend, denise and tim, my mum, dad, kian and lewis were coming. but also some of mattys extended family would be coming, cousins and what not, it terrified me but i had gemma and matty to hold my hand.

"matty?" i called out

"come quick!" he yelled back

i rushed up the wooden stairs in my heels to see grace gripping the edge of our bed and trying to stand, mattys hand reached and found mine

"ohmygod" i whispered

"she's doing it" matty said

she couldn't get up fully and fell to the floor with a swift thud



we both commented before laughing a little

"shall we go down stairs rosey rose?" i said to my beautiful daughter as she nodded enthusiastically. she was in a pink dress, flowers sewn onto the chest area and netted material on the skirt.

matty had bought her it, custom made. i didn't even think he thought about shit like that but clearly he did and it warmed my heart to know that he did. she had matching shoes but we decided she didn't have to wear those.

as for me and matty, matty was wearing fitted back pants, not jeans, and a black sweater. i opted for a nude body con dress. we looked grown up, i loved it for us.

i looked at us in the mirror in our bedroom. my hair was loose and around my shoulders, mattys was a mess of black curls but it looked good, our daughter on my hip in her beautiful dress. we looked good. matty kissed my head

"we should go down they'll be arriving soon"

"okay, you take rose and i'll just get my necklace"

"okay baby" he said taking rose from me and going downstairs

i opened my jewellery box that was on my dressing table in our room and retrieved my locket that matty gave me all those years ago. i had more expensive jewellery now sure, non of them were as important as this though. i undid the lock and placed the cool metal on my warm skin. i placed my palm against it and closed my eyes.

i remembered the night i met him on the wall, how lost and broken i was, he showed me life could be beautiful.

i remembered when he took me for the picnic and that day when i jumped head first into the lake for him. i couldn't imagine myself doing that before him.

i thought about the time we all went out for a meal, in the beginning, george and lia flirted the whole way through and the rest of us laughed at them. they always loved one another.

the bad stuff just seemed to fade or, i was left with memories like running out into the rain in paris, matty calling me crazy. i was filled with words and phrases he had said to me over the years.

i opened my eyes and looked in the mirror, i'd be 21 soon. i had everything i could want. matty, our daughter, the house, the job i loved now i'd been promoted, the friends i would never loose. i couldn't fathom how lucky i'd gotten in life. i'd been through so much shit and to be still here, standing in this house. i felt untouchable

"love you coming?" matty called from downstairs

"coming!" i yelled back

1 hour later

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now