smashed iphone

900 22 12

*grace's phone*

1 new message from adam
adam: hey, lia gave me your number, i know i'm not great at being vocal but i'm sorry about matty, i honestly had no idea or i would have said something

2 new messages from ross
ross: gracey i am so sorry, i'm free if you need anything
ross: i also make really good vegan meals

4 new messages from george
george: gracey babe i'm so sorry
george: i'm so fucking mad at him
george: lia told me everything grace fuck i'm sorry
george: please call me

voice message from lia
"hey baby, i'm sorry i had to leave. i know you're close to george so i told him everything. don't hate me. he can help you. matty came round to george's last night ... he seems sorry. just be careful, george told me he's a loose canon. i won't see you get hurt again"

voice message from matty
"i- i- i'm sorry graceyeeeee, i'm also sowy coz i'm drunk. but i'm scared. i've never liked someone like this. slowly i mean. well slowly and fastly coz we are strangers a bit. normally i just fuck some one and then that's it. BAM. instant relationship. and it's never talking. and we talk. and u care and that's scary because i fucking care too, i am so sorry"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now