blue oceans

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23rd of june, 1 day before madcool
mattys pov

"you have to stay away" i heavily breathed at gabby, her blue eyes met mine and flashed with anger
"we were happy matty, why must you throw that away?"
"because i'm with grace now and i love her" i spat back my face clouding with anger.
"you don't love her matty, you love the fact she cares enough to save you from your drug addled self" she scoffed.
i took a step back, infuriated by what she'd just said
"what? isn't it true? didn't you ruin her birthday holiday? did she not have to save you all those times?" she let out a laugh, she really enjoyed torturing me
"it's not her place to save me, it never was"
"and does she know that?"gabby asked
"we are done, whatever this is, it's done gabby. this is the last time i'll stand here with you" i said raising my voice as i turned to head out of the door
"do you know what matty i don't give a fuck, you'll be back when it all falls apart"

once i'd left her room i went straight to george's, banging on the door until he stumbled and opened it. he was clearly asleep
"mate what?" he answered his voice a little gruff
"i ... gabby .. grace"
"come in" he motioned for me to enter
"what's happened?" he asked
"i don't know what to do" i admitted, georges face dropped
"please tell me you don't mean with grace"
"no not with grace! never with grace" , he breathed a sigh of relief, the way he even thought i could mean with grace bothered me but i let it slip
"with gabby" i told him
"tell that bitch to leave" he cackled
"she was such a big part of my life"
"yeah was mate, you have a girl, a beautiful girl in that bed waiting for you, probably asleep thinking she's done wrong. go to your fucking girl mate" , i smiled, gabby was in the pay and grace was my future
"you're right" i nodded getting up and leaving
"don't fuck this up" george told me
"i'm trying to not"

walking back into the room i was hit with vanilla scents, i knew grace well enough to know this meant she'd showered. i smiled walking into the bedroom. his hair spread around her and her first in tiny balls. i shrugged off my pants and top and got into bed with her, careful of not to wake her.
she mumbled then rested her head on my chest
"hey matty" she murmured
"hey baby" i said staring to stroke her hair and move it off her face
"you okay?" i asked her
"mmh" she said clearly tired, i kissed her forehead before settling into the bed myself.

next morning
21st may, 2 days until mad cool

i woke before her again, i grabbed my notepad and wrote things down i needed for a project with george. her head was on the pillow closest to me so i started to move her silky black hair out of her face once more, she had an eyelash on her cheek. placed perfectly between her eye and her lips. she really was beautiful, george was right, i wasn't going to let her slip.
her arms stretched out and i assumed this meant she was waking up, i was right. her eyes fluttered open and her mouth turned into a smile
"i love waking up with you" she flushed
"so do i" i told her
"whatcha doing?" she asked trying to peer in my notebook
"you'll find out soon enough" i said leaning down and kissing her beautiful lips
"what's on the agenda for today then?" she asked arching her back and swinging her legs out of bed
"nothing, jamie wants a meeting about the next album but that's it!"
"so a free day?" she asked cheekily
"matty?" she asked
"could we go to the beach?" she pouted her lips
"of course we can" i laughed pulling her into my lap and kissing her faster this time, her hands flew to my hair, rubbing her fingers though it softly. my hands trailed down to her thighs as she smiled
"i love you"
"i love you" i told her

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now