starting to pack and plan parties

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16th of april- 5 days later- s days until lia's birthday

*graces phone*

2 texts from lia

lia: five days till i'm eighteen bitch
lia: i'm gonna be a fucking adult wtf

3 texts from matty

matty: okay party planning at urs?
matty: love u
matty: coming round with the boys

1 text from george

george: coming with matty u better have food

1 text from adam

adam: i've got s couple ideas from lia she's been hinting

2 texts from ross

ross: i want a vegan sausage roll
ross: i got 2

*knock at the door 10 minutes later*

as soon as i heard the door knock i knew the boys were here. party planning time. lia's eighteenth HAD to be perfect. she'd been dreaming of it since we were little.

"hey!" i said swinging the door open
"hey!" the all chorused apart from matty who kissed me on the nose and said
"hey babe"
"you okay?"
"i'm good how i'm here" he said playfully
"get in loser"

an hour later we were sprawled on my living room floor with my mac playing their demos.
"off point but this one is really good boys"
"yeah it's called sex, we haven't perfected it but" matty answered
"sex" george winked at us. i feel like my face flamed red. i knew they were teenage boys but me and matty hadent really spoke about it yet. i made a mental note to bring it up later.
"okay so, house party?"
"after the last one? lia would love it but where?" i said
"mums home so not mine" said matty
"nope" adam said
"you're having a laugh if you think i am" ross laughed. george shrugged before saying
"um my parents have a work thing so mine?"
"love ya georgie" i said punching him playfully
"ow" he said rubbing his arm tenderly
"so" i said rubbing my hands together

2 hours later

"FINISHED" finally, everything was sorted. i'd take lia shopping on her birthday, pretend nothing was happening, then we would go to george's for the MASSIVE house party. she was going to love it. i knew my bestfriend and i knew this is what she always wanted.
"grace?" george asked
"yes georgie?"
"what should i get grace? i have no idea and i'm worried i'll mess up"
"georgie you know her well, you really do. think about what she likes"
his face cleared and her hugged me tightly
"thankyou gracey" i shrugged my shoulders
"no problem"
the boys were packing up to leave now, taking their coats and putting their shoes on. ross had left me with a vegan sausage roll and adam with a promise of a guitar lesson. george was going shopping with them both to buy lia's present. he refused to tell me what, but i trusted him. me and matty were having a movie night.
"what movie?" i asked
"IM picking"
"shutup" i said playfully
"i'm gonna change into my pyjamas"
"okay gracey"
i picked up my corduroy shorts and one of mattys shirts he left at my house once after it got soaked in the rain.
"wow" he said as i walked in
"shush i look awful idiot"
"you look really hot" he said pulling me onto the bed and kissing me repeatedly.
"aaaaa!" i screamed
"i-i-i-i'm being aaaaatttackedddddd"
"shutup you idiot kian will come" he said stopping tickling me. i cuddled up next to him, snuggling into his neck.
"we need to talk about something matty"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now