england is her home

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the taxi pulled up
"you okay miss?" the driver asked looking at my puffy eyes and mascara everywhere, i nodded
"i'm fine" i assured him climbing into the back seat with a small bag and my phone clutched. we pulled up outside the studio and i spotted matty straight away stood outside smoking with george. i paid the taxi driver and he smiled
"chin up kid it ain't over yet" , i smiled the best i could and wished him well. i took a deep breath before walking to towards my boys

"hey baby?" matty said confused
"heya kid" george laughed. as soon as i got closer their jokes and confusion turned to worry because of the streaks of mascara down my cheeks
"baby?" matty asked
"oh matty" i said instantly breaking down into his arms, he held me, leaning against a wall, stroking my hair and whispering into my ear
"what's wrong?" he asked
"grace?" george asked fleeing more concerned. i stood back from matty, so that both boys were directly in front of me. i wiped my eyes and cleared my throat
"denise .. denise told me to leave" , mattys face shattered, i knew he had a rocky relationship with his mum and i didn't want to be the one to break it more. george, however was filled with instant anger, his face clouded
"what the fuck?" george asked clearly riled up
"she told me to leave because the baby would ruin mattys life, she said she would give me some money to start again and ... what if she's right matty, what if i am ruining your life?"
, he stared at me with disbelief and hurt in his eyes
"how could you think like that? you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, you and this baby"
"i'm just tired matty, i'm so tired of fighting with everyone. i love you so much it hurts but i'm clearly hurting denise and she thinks i'm hurting you and it hurts" i said clutching my head, i felt sick and dizzy.
"oh .. i don't feel too good" i commented as my legs started to give way, matty held me so i sat on the ground slowly. george ran in and out of the building with water, they both told me to drink. george went back inside to tell jamie me and matty were going to the hotel

"i'm so sorry" i mumbled to matty once we were back in our room
"it's not your fault" he assured me
"i'm gonna go home" i told him
"you're leaving me ...?" he asked his face falling
"no! no matty never. but while your mum is here for lolla i'm gonna go back to manchester"
"you shouldn't have to, she should have to leave not you" he said angrily defending me
"matty no. louis here and you haven't seen either of them in a long time spend time with them. i'll fly back out for the spanish leg of the tour" i promised him. he nodded, tears still in his eyes
"hey don't cry, i'll be back soon"
"i know but i love you, and i hate that you have to do this and i hate the fact my mum said this to you" the tears from his eyes began to and so did my own. we crashed into the bed simply holding one another and crying.

"i should call jamie" i mumbled to matty an hour later
"get the soonest flight"
"it's 7pm grace"
"yeah, the sooner i'm gone the better"
"don't say that" he scolded.
i picked my phone up and called jamie's number

"hey jamie"
"george told me everything, there's a flight in two hours"
"could you please-" before i even finished he replied
"it's booked, first class so don't worry, go home and relax"
"thankyou jamie" i sighed into the phone
"i'm sorry, denise was out of order"
"i'm sorry jamie"
"this isn't your fault" he told me. crying i put the phone down and walked back to my case, i wouldn't be returning to this hotel so i had to take everything i needed.

once i was packed i walked back into the bedroom to see matty day on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands
"hey" i said softly sitting beside him
"hey" he said horsely
"i'm ready, i'll be leaving soon" i whispered, he nodded in the dark
"promise you'll be okay?" he asked
"promise you'll be okay?" i asked straight back.
"shall we both promise?" he said
"then yes"
"then yes" i nodded. our hands intertwined

he insisted on coming to the airport with me. we seemingly lived in taxis these days, the ride to the airport wasn't long enough, i spent the whole journey with our hands locked and my head on his shoulder willing the world to go back to yesterday.

we arrived and matty pulled the cases out of the trunk and walked me to check in
"i cant go any further" he said
"i know" i couldn't meet his eyes in fear that i wouldn't go, i knew i had to
"i don't want to go matty" i confessed
"it's best for you, but i don't want you to either"
"promise to call me or your therapist if you feel like slipping?" i said my anxiety running wild
"i promise gracey, don't worry about me, i have too much to lose now. i won't slip up" ,i smiled, i truly loved him
"and don't blame your mum, if you have to blame someone blame me" i sighed looking at the floor.
his hands grabbed my face and titled it up
"hey, this isn't your fault" , our foreheads knocked together and our lips parted inches apart, he plunged them into mine and the noise of the airport fell away.
nothing could tear us apart, not even his mum. our hands clenched together one last time as i began to walk away to the check in desk, he waved at me and i looked back until he was nothing but a dot.

back in england

after a long flight and a taxi ride i was back at the apartment
"grace?" leon asked clearly confused
"hey" i said exhausted
"you okay?"
"story for tomorrow leon" i sighed
"you sure?" he asked, i smiled the best i could
"promise leon, are you?"
"i'm fine, place has been quiet without you lot"
"i'll bet" i said with the last of my energy

smiling i walked to the lift and headed to our room. once inside i let the cases fall to the floor, i looked at our home.
everything was perfect, i wanted to scream.
i wanted to throw things and rip the place apart.
instead i went into mine and mattys bedroom, pulled on one of his hoodies and got into bed. once i was between the sheets the tears came hot and fast. i let them. i didn't have to fight it right now, i placed my phone on charge seeing various messages i replied

4 new message from matty

matty: have u landed ok?
matty: i'll speak to mum
matty: i love you
matty; i'm sorry
grace: it's okay and i'm safe, i love. you and i'll be back before you know it
matty: get some sleep
grace: no you
matty: can i call
grace: of course

"hey" his voice rang
"you sound so close" i whispered
"so do you, it's like i can reach you" he sighed
"you need to sleep .. lolla remember"
"you're more important" he said
"i love you" i said close to tears
"i love you" he replied
"get some sleep"
"you too"
"speak soon?" i asked
"of course baby" he said as i ended the call.

i felt better than before the call .. i also felt miles and miles away from the boy i called safety.
i didn't even say goodbye to the others, they must hate me.
i knew they had text me but i couldn't face the music right now.
i squeezed my eyes shut and soon after the world turned black and my head felt lighter

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now