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for the first time in a long time ... i was excited to get lunch. normally it would just be me and lia sat in a chippy talking about our lessons, but today, today we were getting dinner with matty and the boys. lia was fidgety, and this was unusual because lia hardly ever got nervous
"i know it's kinda early well very early but i like george?" she said as a half question
"le there is DEFINITELY something between you two, the way he looked at you ... WOW"
she giggled slightly before her face turned back to nervous
"do you think i'll mess it up? i know i barley know him but i felt something"
"you won't le, i briefly spoke to him but matty told me ALL about him and it seems he's as much of a party lover as you!"
her face light up and she sank back, she was at ease again
"where are we meeting them again?"
"i'm no-" before i could finish there was yelling behind us and before i knew it matty was screaming
"RUN!" in my ear, he grabbed my hand and i lia's before we ran out of the college doors into the cold afternoon.

"WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?" i screamed out of breath at matty
"george, george broke a drum" he said between laughing fits
"my talent babe, my talent" he said with a wink towards lia
"is he always like this?" i asked adam and ross
"yeah" they both said, giggling i turned back to matty
"let's go eat"
we walked for a while, sparking up cigarettes as we went and talking about how we hated college. i learnt that adam and ross were nervous for friday, matty wasn't because "he never got nervous" and george had apparently forgot. i knew they were all nervous.
"here we are ladies" matty said
me and lia looked at eachother confused
"um where are we?" lia said
"sandwich shop" matty said, beaming
"our mate owns it" george added
"proper nice sandwich's here to be honest" chimed in ross
matty pushed the door open and went to great the man at the counter
"oright!" he said before clasping his hand and hitting him on the back
"nice to see you mate"
"long time no see dave" shouted george
"oright ross"
"yeah yeah you mate?"
"not too bad, not too bad, oright adam?"
"hiya pal"
"and who are these two lovely girlies?"
i giggled looking at matty while i noticed lia had gone to stand with george
"this is grace and this is lia, our new friends"
he took our order and we sat in a booth. i sat next to matty and ross, the other side was lia ,george and adam.
we talked about trivial stuff before our food came, and let me tell you, i have NEVER seen people eat more like pigs than these boys.
"ow!" i exclaimed, george kicking me under the table
"can i help you?" i said laughing
"gis your sandwich i've eaten mine"
sighing i gave him half of my sandwich, seeing matty look at me i turned to face him
he smiled and simply nodded
"kind you"
i laughed heartily
"eat your food you twat"


after our lunch we were heading to the bus station, half days at college were the best days.
"what's everyone doing tonight?" george asked
"NO" said adam, ross and matty
i shot a confused look at lia
"huh?" i said
"care to explain?" lia said holding george's arm closely
"i-" george began before matty cut him off
"george has an issue with going out, getting monumentally fucked and nearly dying"
"talent" replied george
"i'm up for it" lia told him. everyone looked taken back
"really?" george asked
"you haven't met lia properly, she is a massive hard partier" i laughed, lia nodded
"yeah go on then, where do you live?" they continued to exchange numbers
"you two just going home?" i asked adam and ross
"yeah! got to get our practice in for friday" said ross, adam nodded.

40 minutes later

"bye!" me and matty waved to ross and adam as they got off the bus. lia and george got off a couple stops before.
"eventful day" matty said slumping into his seat
"do you wanna come round to mine? just to hang out?" with the last bit i tried to not act hurt. he saw me as only a friend. great.
"i cant tonight i'm cooking for my brother"
"your brothers kian right?"
"god he's nearly 19 int he?"
"yeah next week"
"i'll walk you home again" he added
"thankyou" i said grinning

"thanks for dropping me off again"
"no problemo"
i giggled not looking him in the eye, he hovered above me, him standing at 5'8 and me at 5'7 there was still a measurable gab, he met the air sit, almost touching my lips, not speaking.
"i better go" he spoke just above where my parted lips sat
"yeah" i said just below his parted lips
neither of us moved, neither of us broke eye contact.
"grace?" my brother said stumbling into the door before releasing what was going on
"shit sorry"
"oright kian?" matty said laughing awkwardly
"yeah you pal?"
"yeah i'm right" matty coughed, clearing his throat before saying
"see you tomorrow"
"see ya matty"
i felt like i was floating

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now