keep yours

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30th of may

"now everybody's DEADDDDDDDDD" i practically screamed into my boyfriends face. he grinned and turned away
"oi!" i yelled. we were on our way to the airport.  to paris. to start our life on tour. the van was filled with suitcases. the gear had gone ahead before time and was probably already in paris as we speak
"grace if you don't SHUT IT" george screamed at me from the front seat. i was sat with matty and ross in the back, in front were adam and george and then in front of them jamie and the driver. they all hated my singing but that wasn't going to stop me
"mattyyyy" i pouted like a child at my rock god boyfriend
"yes baby?" he responded
"i loveeee you"
"have you taken something mate you're crazy"
"i'm high on life healy" i smiled snuggling into his arm. he smelled like lynx and cigarettes. he smelled perfect

when arrived at the airport half an hour later and after checking in we lounged about the airport. i looked at matty slumped in his chair fiddling with his thumbs
"hey" i said knocking his arm
"you're gonna be fine, we are gonna be fine" , his face cleared a little and he smiled
"love you" he said pecking my cheek
"love you" i responded.

10 minutes later jamie came strolling in, i looked at him. his eyes seemed tired, i knew he had a family and wife he was leaving behind. i realised i was lucky to be going.
"hey jamie!" i called
"yes gracie what can i do for you?" he asked
"you can smile! your boys have made it jamie" i assured him. i knew everyone was tense, i could feel it.
"yeah" he mumbles eyes still red
"call carly and tell her you love her, tell her what a good time. you're gonna have at lolla" , he smiled pulling out his phone
"ross baby? call your mum, i know she's flying out like soon but call her"
"georgie my big giant you can chew some nicotine gum and deep breathe coz you ain't smoking for a while" , he laughed at this
"no heart felt comment for me?" he asked
"not for you george" i giggled

our flight was announced soon after everyone got off the phone, matty squeezed my arm indicating it was time. i took a deep breathe before stepping onto the plane. matty took my hand luggage off me and stored it safely in the over head locker smiling
"don't exert yourself"
"matty i swear" i said fake scowling, he laughed
we took our seats and matty closed his eyes, his leg tapping. i meant back in my seat flashing a smile at the boys and jamie. time to go

2 hours later - paris

"wow i breathed" as soon as we stepped off the plane.
"matty" i said grabbing at my boyfriend and crying
"what baby? what?" he laughed
"matty it's .. we are in paris" i sobbed, be held me as we walked down the plane stairs
"i know darl"
the boys followed us as we went into the main airport bit. we handed our passports and jamie handed all the documentation. a couple girls started to swarm matty
"okay okay guys stop" mark, the boys bodyguard, ordered. but nobody listened and they continued to jostle
"matty?" i called completely scared. i couldn't find him anywhere, i shut my eyes and just stood still praying he came back for me.
"hey hey i'm here" , i breathed as i felt his arms around me
"open your eyes babe" matty spoke, i saw his curls and brown deep eyes and relaxed
"matty .. that was"
"yes" i said not meeting him in the eye
"there's fans they mean well baby"
"i know"
"let's get to the hotel" he grinned. i smiled at him, he was so childish sometimes i really loved him. we all piled into hey another taxi, adam was already on the phone to carl muttering 'i love yous' down the phone. i couldn't help but feel at peace.

i put my against the cool glass and began to look out. it was a sunny day in paris and everything was beautiful. so green, so alive. i had never loved a place more. mattys hand met mine and he gave it a squeeze
"you really love this place grace huh?" jamie called from the front seat
"you have no idea" i giggled. and he didn't, nobody did. paris was just THAT place for me. i feel everyone has that one place that is theirs. paris was simply mine.

we arrived at the hotel half an hour later, it was beautiful. the outside wa white with gold painted bits. massive glass doors and doormen to match

"bonjour" they greeted us, helping with our bags, loading them onto. golden carriers while jamie checked us in. by this point i'd started to feel super sick. my mum had told me she had morning sickness from week 2-6 super bad, which was unusual as most people got it later. i sighed. just my luck.

"matty?" i said quietly while jamie was still checking us in
"yeah darling?" he looked at me concerned
"i feel super sick" i whispered. he nodded grabbing my hand and without even asking for the nearest toilet, located it and went in with me. i knelt over the toilet while matty held my hair twisted behind my to stop any sick getting in. once i'd finished he handed me a wad of paper and kissed my forehead
"better?" he asked, i nodded.

slipping my hand into his we left he bathroom. we got looks as if we had just had sex, with the look on our faces i wouldn't have disagreed with that thought. i looked worn out and so did matty.

his hand was still intertwined in mine and my head fell on his shoulder as we stood behind jamie and the boys
"we are all checked in, let's go!" jamie ushered us all towards the lift.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now