god and him

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as soon as we stepped foot into the main airport after collecting our cases we were greeted with matty and ross. i knew Adam would be with carly so i smiled i ran towards matty. as soon as we connected he picked me up into his arms and began to kiss me like a madman

"matty" i giggled looking into his beautifully deep eyes, his smile stretched out wide. i refused to let go of him even when i heard ross moaning

"nothing for me then?" he grinned with his arms stretched out wide

"off course ross" i laughed pulling him into a bear hug. id missed the comfort of my boys and i was happy to be back. matty pulled me back into a hug and kissing my forehead, he mumbled into my hair 

"how have you been?" i asked ross, he smiled and rubbed his head

"really good! adams missed you, hes been even quieter" , i laughed and nocked his arm

"hows carls?" 

"she's good, her and um gabby have been shopping and they got you some clothes" , i tried my hardest to smile

"ah thats so sweet" i nodded at him, smiling and trying to not cry. i just had to get through the day without crying

"we need to talk back at the hotel" i looked him in the eyes and nodded. he was right.

back at the hotel

the hotel was beautiful the foyer had a water fountain and everything was gleaming white, me and matty took the elevator up to our room and as soon as i dumped my bags on the floor we sat on the balcony while matty lit up a cigarette

"so" he started letting the smoke rise into his eyes 

"so?" i asked

"tell me how you honestly feel about gabby. i want everything out in the open because that's the only way we can start to deal with it" , i smiled. he was being really mature 'bout the situation. i took a deep breathe knowing what i was about to say would properly rattle him

"okay so i guess i feel intimidated by her? shes a model, you loved her first, shes best friends with carly and the boys love her. im nineteen and pregnant. how can i compete with her?" tears started to form in my eyes, being open was scary even though it was the correct thing to do

"you don't have to compete. shes my friend though so she's going to be around and I'm sorry about that.  but i promise nothing is going on between us", people might call me stupid but i chose to believe him when he said that

"Okay, let's try this again then," i said, i meant it.

"so you're staying even though she is?"

"yes," i told him

"i love you," he said 

"i love you"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now